Definition of



A side can be a faction.

The term bando can be used in different ways. In some cases , its possible etymological origin is attributed to the Gothic word bandwō (which can be translated as "flag" or "sign" ), while in others it refers to the French ban .

When bando is considered to come from bandwō , the concept can refer to a group or a faction . Those who are part of the same side, therefore, are part of the same party or group .

Side as partiality

Belonging to a certain side means identifying with certain characteristics, properties or ideas that make up the identity of the group. At the same time, being on one side implies not belonging to another.

Take the case of Afghanistan . Between 1996 and 2001 , two large groups faced each other in that Asian country: the Taliban (supported by Pakistan and the terrorist group Al Qaeda ) and the Northern Alliance (mujahideen guerrillas accompanied by Russian, Indian, Iranian and other nations forces).

In this period, most of the Afghan territory was controlled by the Taliban (who established the Islamic State of Afghanistan ), while a smaller percentage was under the control of the Northern Alliance . In 2001 , the United States Army arrived in the region to overthrow the Taliban and some time later the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan was established. In 2021 , a new Taliban offensive once again modified the country's political organization.


A flock can be called a flock.

The notion in the animal world

The RAE recognizes that bando can be used as a synonym for flock or shoal . In both cases, an allusion is made to a group of animals .

The flock, as a flock , allows us to name a group of birds that fly together. Generally, the specimens that make up the flock are of the same species , although there are exceptions. What characterizes this side is that the members show uniform behavior.

Like a school , on the other hand, a school is a group of fish that move together. Also called shoal , it is formed with animals with similar features but not always of the same species, as occurs with flocks.

The side as it proclaims

If it is considered that bando comes from the French ban , the notion is linked to that proclamation that is usually expressed orally so that it is made public based on the order of a political or military authority.

A side or edict imposes compliance with certain rules on a particular issue. When the side is made known, it is expected that the population becomes aware of the provision and abides by it.

In the context of a war conflict, a military commander can dictate a war side . This is an order that has the force of law . Therefore, non-compliance by a war party is considered a misdemeanor or crime and can be tried by a military court.

For Spanish administrative law , finally, a bando is an administrative act that involves a solemn demonstration by a mayor , addressing the residents of a municipality to demand compliance with a regulation in force. The side can also mean a call, a request for collaboration or a recommendation.