Definition of



A type of fortification is called a bastion or bastion.

A bastion is a fortification that appears when two curtains of wall come together, according to the first meaning indicated by the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) in its dictionary. Also known as a bastion , the bastion is composed of an entrance gorget, two flanks that allow it to be linked to the wall and two faces that give rise to a projecting angle.

The Middle Dutch word bolwerc became, in Old French, balouart . The etymological evolution of the notion caused, in our language , the term that we are now analyzing to arise.

Characteristics of a bastion

A bastion is a fortified sector whose projection is made outwards from the central body of a fortress. They are generally located in the corners to optimize the defense of the place.

Most of the bastions are pentagonal (at the neck, both sides and both sides). Thanks to its design , it is possible to cover the walls and the rest of the bastions through crossfire.

In front of the bastions, troops intending to assault a fortress were forced to install their artillery batteries in a remote location. In this way the attack in question was made difficult.


The bastions have defensive purposes.

Some examples

Among the best-known bastions in Spain we can highlight some such as the following:

  • Bastion of the Wells . This defensive tower from the Arab era is located in the San Antonio neighborhood of Cáceres . It dates back to the 12th century and is believed to have formed part of what was the defensive system of an ancient Almohad fortress. From this place you can see spectacular views of the city as well as some of its most special monuments, such as the Sanctuary of the Virgin of the Mountain .
  • Baluarte de la Candelaria . The Andalusian city of Cádiz is where this bastion is located, which was formerly part of the system that protected the bay. It is known that it was ordered to be built in 1672 by the then governor. During its history it has also served as a dovecote, a barracks and today it has become a cultural space where exhibitions, concerts and theater performances take place.

Bulwark in a symbolic sense

Baluarte can also be used in a symbolic sense to refer to one or something that provides protection or shelter , or that becomes the symbol of something .

For example: “This man is the bulwark of local science: we cannot allow him to work in these deplorable conditions,” “The Moroccan midfielder was, once again, the main bulwark of the English team,” “With his death we have lost “a bastion of national poetry.”

a book of poetry

We can also emphasize that “Baluarte” is the title of a book of poetry published in 2014 and written by the author Elvira Sastre .

Love, friendship, relationships, sex, loneliness and the abyss in which human beings sometimes feel, are some of the themes that are addressed in this work, which is made up of realistic verses and very close.