Definition of



Cod is a saltwater fish.

The term cod comes from the Basque bakailao , in turn linked to Old Dutch bakeljauw (a variant of kabeljauw ). Cod is a fish recognized for its meat and the oil obtained from its liver.

This animal is part of the group of teleost fish , since its skeleton is completely ossified. On the other hand, it is part of the anacanthus group as it has fins with flexible and soft rays, the abdominal ones being located in front of or below the pectoral ones.

Types of cod

It is important to mention that there are different species of cod. The common cod , also known as Norwegian cod or Atlantic cod , is the one with the scientific name Gadus morhua .

Greenland cod ( Gadus ogac ) and Alaskan cod or Pacific cod ( Gadus macrocephalus ) are other types of cod, all belonging to the genus Gadus . There are also species from other genera that receive this name, such as polar cod ( Boreogadus saida ), Arctic cod ( Arctogadus glacialis ) and Antarctic cod ( Dissostichus mawsoni ).

dried cod

It is common for cod meat to be preserved in salt.

Main features

The common cod lives in seas of the northern hemisphere with cold or temperate temperatures, found in gravel, sandy or muddy beds. It has two anal fins and three dorsal fins and, in the symphysis (the organic parts that guarantee the union of different bone surfaces) of its lower jaw, it exhibits a chin (a fleshy appendage).

Grey, greenish or reddish in color, cod has small scales and an unforked tail. The youngest specimens also have spots on the lateral sectors and on the back.

There are cod that can measure almost two meters and reach a weight of about one hundred kilograms, although they are generally medium in size. Common cod feed on crustaceans , mollusks , zooplankton and even other fish , such as sardines or herring.

It is interesting to note that cod, which can live up to twenty years, lay up to seven million eggs . However, most cannot survive because other animals eat these eggs.

cod meat

Because it has a low level of fat, cod is classified as a white fish . Its meat contains high amounts of minerals, vitamins and proteins.

It is common for cod meat to be preserved by salting . This means that, by using salt , it is subjected to a drying process , allowing it to be preserved for several months.

Thanks to dried cod , in ancient times many European peoples had protein reserves at their disposal. Salted cod was also key to enabling sailors' longer voyages .

As for recipes prepared with this fish, the standout is the Vizcaya cod (which has olive oil, garlic and a sauce made with onion and pepper), the pilpil cod (with oil, garlic and chillies) and the cod fritters (a kind of croquette).

A highly appreciated oil

Cod liver oil is a source of vitamins D and A and omega-3 fatty acids . This product is often used to prevent colds, sore throats and respiratory infections and to strengthen bones .

In addition, cod liver oil is considered to contribute to the treatment of skin problems and improve heart function. Regarding possible side effects of its consumption, stomach discomfort, diarrhea and vomiting are mentioned. As with any dietary supplement , before including it in your diet it is necessary to consult a doctor.