Definition of



Hazelnut has an irresistible flavor

The Latin expression nux abellāna referred to the Avella nut . Avella , meanwhile, is the name of a city in the region of Campania ( Italy ) that stands out for the production of the fruit that we currently know as hazelnut .

Hazelnut fruit

The fruit that the hazel tree bears is called hazelnut. This shrub , which can be about four meters high, belongs to the Betulaceae family group.

Almost spherical in shape, the hazelnut has a whitish flesh with a high amount of oil . This meat is covered by a red film and, in turn, is protected by a very hard crust .

The hazelnut is a nut highly valued for the flavor of its flesh , which is somewhat sweet. Although it can be consumed raw, pastes and creams are also made with it and it can be cooked.

Products with hazelnut

One of the most famous products made with hazelnut is Nutella , which combines hazelnut with cocoa cream . Nutella was created by the Italian Michele Ferrero and began to be marketed in 1965 . This cream is advertised as an ideal accompaniment to toasted bread for breakfast and snacks, two times of the day when we need a lot of energy, both to start and finish our activities.

Given the nutritional values ​​of hazelnut, Nutella is highly recommended for children and the elderly, since in these two stages of life we ​​need an especially rich diet. It is worth mentioning that before this product there was a very similar one, Giantuvot pasta, which was prepared with hazelnut and chocolate in equal proportions. At first it was sold in solid format, and later they developed the spreadable version, which in the mid-20th century was called Supercrema .

Various cakes and desserts can be made with hazelnuts in different presentations and preparations. It is also possible to produce hazelnut milk and hazelnut flour , for example.

The world's leading producer of hazelnuts is Turkey . Behind are Italy , Azerbaijan and the United States .

Properties and benefits

On a nutritional level, hazelnuts offer protein , calcium , potassium , magnesium , phosphorus , vitamin C and vitamin E , in addition to other minerals. Eating hazelnuts helps minimize the risk of cardiovascular diseases, reduces bad cholesterol and prevents constipation.

We must take care of cardiovascular health with absolute priority, and the fiber and good fat content of hazelnuts is ideal for reducing triglycerides and bad cholesterol , in addition to increasing good cholesterol. Vitamin E, on the other hand, is a powerful antioxidant, which helps reduce inflammation and reduces the risk of heart disease . It also keeps blood pressure balanced thanks to potassium, folic acid and magnesium, ideal for maintaining blood vessels.

Hazelnuts nutritional properties

30 grams of hazelnuts a day are enough to improve health

Brain function also improves with frequent consumption of hazelnut, since it contains micronutrients such as zinc, magnesium and folic acid that the body uses to transmit nerve impulses. Among the benefits that we can notice are improvements in learning processes and the use of memory . For this reason it is recommended for both children and the elderly.

Hazelnut also serves to control blood sugar levels. It achieves this through its nutrients and fibers, which also serve to increase insulin sensitivity. Its benefits in controlling body weight are also worth highlighting, since hazelnut produces a feeling of satiety without the need to consume large quantities. It is enough to eat around 30 grams per day to regulate your diet and achieve weight loss or maintain your ideal weight.