Definition of



Self-learning is learning for yourself.

Self-learning is the way to learn for yourself . It is a process of acquiring knowledge, skills, values ​​and attitudes, which the person carries out on their own, either through study or experience. A subject focused on self-learning searches for information by himself and carries out practices or experiments in the same way.

Self-learning usually begins as a game , although over time you discover that what you have learned is useful and valuable. People who manage to learn on their own are known as autodidacts .

It is important to note that self-learning does not only occur in humans, but mammals and other animals also have the ability to learn new skills in this way.

Requirements for self-study

For people to commit to carrying out this way of learning and for them to achieve success, it is important to highlight that three elements must be carried out. That is, they must exist:

Responsibility . What this means is that the person in question has to be responsible when it comes to seeing their opportunities for growth and working in that sense, to meet the objectives that have been set, to establish and follow work guidelines in order to achieve that learning you want.

Lifelong learning . This type of learning is the one that we have throughout our entire lives and in this case that concerns us what it means is that the person in question has to determine routines and be constantly open to learning and working along those lines. In this sense, we can be continually learning from our environment, from our work environment and also from our educational environment.

Independent study . The term clearly states what is meant by it. Specifically, what it comes to define is the importance that each individual who commits to self-learning must carry out not only the assumption of the personal commitment that they have in this sense but also the control of it and the responsibility of carrying out. carry out the measures it deems appropriate for this purpose.

Work habit, discipline, organization or work habit are some of the formulas that every person has to be able to carry out this independent study.


The Internet is a very useful tool for self-learning.

Main advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of self-learning, it stands out that this modality encourages curiosity and self-discipline , it is usually more entertaining than formal learning, it helps to form personality and is more constructive (self-learners, when sharing information, exchange the roles of teacher and student).

On the other hand, among the main difficulties of self-learning, we must take into account that certain problems may be impossible or very difficult to solve .

Critics of self-learning believe that not all people develop the necessary tools to judge whether the information they obtain is reliable or objective. Therefore, they consider that learning should always be guided through certain levels. On the other hand, the self-taught person usually does not have social recognition , unlike those who obtain an official degree.