Definition of



The idea of ​​hearing can be used to refer to the ability to hear.

Hearing is the act and faculty of hearing or listening : capturing sounds through the ear. The concept comes from auditorio , a word from the Latin language.

For example: «Workers in the construction industry often suffer from hearing problems due to noise» , «The girl managed to recover her hearing thanks to a complex surgical intervention» , «Could you repeat what you said? "I have hearing problems."

What is hearing

It can be said that hearing is a physiological and psychological process . Sound waves cause changes in air pressure: when they reach the ear and are perceived by the brain, they are transformed into mechanical waves . The development of hearing implies that waves impact the eardrum and make this membrane vibrate.

The vibrations, in turn, cause the movement of small bones called the stapes , incus , and malleus . When the vibrations reach the organ of Corti , it stimulates the auditory nerve, converting them into nervous impulses that reach the brain , the organ responsible for interpreting sound.

Hearing loss and deafness

Hearing problems have repercussions on daily life that considerably exceed the fact of not being able to perceive sounds easily (as can occur in a case of hypoacusia , the partial loss of hearing ability), or suffering from total deafness ( cophosis) . ), both from one heard and from both. Since these disorders occur in a minority of people, their environment cannot understand their characteristics, and this makes interpersonal relationships difficult.

As if this were not enough, most cities are not prepared so that people with hearing problems can move around and access common services in a comfortable and effective way, something that the blind and, in general, everyone must also suffer. individuals with some type of physical or mental disability .

Those who enjoy both senses, contact with the outside world do so through a complex combination of the two, to the point of the sound image becoming almost indivisible. When we learn a word whose meaning refers to a material object, we establish a combination between graphic and sound information, in such a way that by either of the two paths we reach the same point (for example: when we see an umbrella we think of the term , just as when we hear it we evoke the image, and something similar happens with writing and reading).

There are various movements that fight for the integration of all people in the various areas of society. However, we are still very far from a reality in which we accept each other without prejudice , with an open and compassionate attitude.


An audition can be a casting.

Audition as casting

An audition, on the other hand, is the test that an artist performs to demonstrate his or her talent . Also known as casting , auditioning is a common methodology in the television, film and theater industry to select who will be the protagonists of a work . In the audition to find the participants of a musical work, those responsible may ask the applicants to perform songs of different genres and to represent certain scenes. The artists who stand out the most in the audition will be the ones hired.

The life of an artist is not usually easy, especially if he must navigate his path without the help of his family. Passing auditions becomes one of the main goals, since it can open the doors to good job opportunities, although most of the time this is not the case. In addition to technical training to use the appropriate tools in front of the examination table, it is necessary to learn to control panic to prevent it from ruining all the effort.