Definition of


rocky object

An asteroid is a rocky object that is part of the solar system.

Asteroid is a word used in reference to something that has the shape, shape or appearance of a star . In the field of astronomy , an asteroid is called a small body that is part of the solar system .

To know the meaning of the term precisely, it is important to know its etymological origin. In this case we have to establish that it is the result of the sum of several components of the Greek language:

  • The noun aster , which is equivalent to " star ."
  • The root eidos , which can be translated as "form" or "appearance" .

In the same way, we can indicate that the creation of the notion is attributed to the English astronomer William Herschel ( 17381822 ). This scientist created it to refer to celestial bodies that had the peculiarity of resembling a star, but that were not actually one.

What are asteroids

Let us remember that the solar system is a system of planets whose organization revolves around the star called the Sun. Asteroids, in this framework, are rocky objects that orbit around the aforementioned star, usually between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars .

The diameter of asteroids does not exceed 1,000 kilometers : they are, therefore, smaller in size than planets . Instead, they are larger than meteoroids, other astronomical bodies in the solar system.

Historical evolution of the term

Due to changes in the different concepts of astronomy, the classification of asteroids was also modified. The first asteroid to have been discovered used to be considered to be Ceres , detected by Giuseppe Piazzi in 1801 . However, in 2006 , Ceres was considered a dwarf planet. This novelty transformed Pallas , found in 1802 , as the first asteroid to have been discovered.

Already in the 21st century , astronomy has recognized hundreds of thousands of asteroids. The collision of larger bodies that, due to the influence exerted by Jupiter 's gravity , could not become planets, is the origin of these stars that have a size between ten meters and almost 1,000 kilometers in diameter.


Many movies revolve around the possible impact of an asteroid against the Earth.

Asteroids in the movies

Asteroids have inspired many filmmakers. A good example of this are the films that take these rocky objects as their starting point, such as the following:

  • "Asteroid" is a feature film released in 1997 that is directed by Bradford May and revolves around the arrival of an asteroid to Earth.
  • "Asteroid. Final impact » . In 2015, this action film, directed by Jason Bourque and starring Anna van Hooft and Mark Lutz, hit theaters. It tells how a scientist manages to discover that a huge invisible meteorite is dangerously approaching Earth, putting humanity in serious danger.
  • To these films we could add others such as "Deep Impact" ( 1998 ), "Armagedon" ( 1998 ) or "2012" .