Definition of



It is common for assertiveness to be associated with maturity.

The term assertiveness is not part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) . Yes, however, the assertive adjective appears as a synonym for affirmative . The concept of assertiveness, in any case, is used in reference to a communicative strategy that is located in the middle of two behaviors that are opposite and are passivity and aggressiveness .

Communication experts associate assertiveness with maturity . The assertive person manages to establish a communicative link without attacking their interlocutor, but also without being subjected to their will. Therefore, you can communicate your thoughts and intentions and defend your interests.

Personality and assertiveness

Assertiveness has to do with emotional and intrinsic factors of personality . People with good self-esteem, for example, find it easier to be assertive.

When determining why a person does not enjoy assertiveness, there are various causes that can explain it. Among them is someone who lacks character as well as beliefs or ideologies, someone who is always dependent on others, does not have confidence in their possibilities, does not have the strength to express their rights or lacks objectives or goals in life.

In all aspects of our existence it is considered important to have the ability to be assertive. However, psychologists establish that one of the areas where it is most vital to enjoy this skill is in the professional and work field where a series of challenges must be met every day to achieve the set objectives. And in many cases these depend on other people.


Assertiveness is very important in the workplace.

Its importance at work

For all this, it is clear that when developing assertiveness in our employment we must take into account factors of great importance such as our knowledge, the character we have, self-esteem, our own personality and, above all, confidence in our possibilities.

These elements translate, neither more nor less, than in being polite, in conveniently planning the messages that we are going to make, in accepting defeat when we have made a mistake, in never cornering those around us in our work, in apologizing when whether necessary or never to use threats with others.

The correct use of all these tips will result in the person who decides to follow them being someone who is assertive and who achieves everything they set out to do within their profession.

Development of assertiveness

It is possible, however, to acquire assertive capabilities through learning various strategies. The objective is for the individual to be able to express themselves in a direct, concise and balanced manner, communicating their ideas without attacking others and, at the same time, defending their rights.

When a person manages to develop assertiveness, he or she reinforces his or her positive image at a social level, improves confidence in his or her expressive abilities, obtains greater emotional satisfaction, and manages to achieve the goals he or she sets out through communication. By not submitting to or attacking the interlocutor, the balance achieved ultimately allows you to communicate better and take advantage of that type of bond. Not only will you show your respect for the other, but you will also be respected and will be able to conduct yourself independently.