Definition of



An assembly is a meeting held to discuss certain issues and make decisions about them.

Originating from the French term assemblée , an assembly is a meeting held by the members of a group with the aim of discussing certain topics and making decisions about them. From this meaning, several meanings of the concept emerge.

In colloquial language, the idea of ​​assembly is used to name these deliberative meetings . For example: "The students held an assembly and decided not to enter the classrooms as a protest" , "The neighbors chose to hold an assembly to define how they will resist the government's decision to close the cultural center" , "In a meeting that took place last night, the club members voted in favor of the expulsion of the former president .

Assembly as a representative body or body

Assembly, on the other hand, is the name given to a representative body or body. Assembly members are usually people elected by a majority to represent the entire group and make decisions on its behalf.

The State , in fact, usually has different types of assemblies for making important decisions for society. The legislative assembly , which may be known as the Senate , Congress , or Parliament , is the body where laws are debated and approved. The constituent assembly , for its part, allows the creation or modification of a Constitution.


In a legislative assembly, laws are debated and approved.

The consortium

In the same way, when we refer to housing, what is known as a consortium assembly arises. This is the term used to refer to a deliberative body in apartment buildings that is responsible for making decisions regarding common issues.

The operation of said body is based, above all, on the meetings that respond to the name of boards. These can be of two types:

-Ordinary. They are annual, as a general rule, and are convened by the administrator. They must have the corresponding agenda that includes all the issues that will be discussed point by point.

-Extraordinary. When a topic or issue of common interest arises that needs to be addressed imminently. They are convened by the administrator and can deal with various topics such as conflicts in the community due to a specific situation, matters that must be resolved as soon as possible, dealing with and approving budgets for really necessary and imminent works...

Assembly in education and in the military field

In the same way, we cannot forget that, within what education is, the term assembly is also used. In that case, it becomes an activity that takes place within the children's classroom, with all the students placing themselves around the teacher.

A topic or conflict is one that the teacher raises so that all the children can talk about it, reach conclusions, listen to the proposals and ideas of their classmates... It is considered that thanks to this activity, tolerance and respect are instilled. I respect.

In the military field, an assembly is called the call of a clarion, bugle or other type that is made so that the squadrons, battalions and companies meet and form in the designated places. The assembly is also the gathering of troops for the start of a campaign.