Definition of

Lash out


Lashing out can consist of charging with force.

Attacking is the act of attacking or attacking with force . It can be a concrete (physical) or symbolic action.

For example: "The government should not attack the working class, but rather it has to help them" , "When attacking a rival player, I dislocated my shoulder" , "The governor will receive the opposition mayor after attacking his tax policy" .

Example of lashing out

The concept is usually used as a synonym for attacking : whoever attacks, initiates an offensive against something or someone. Take the case of the president of a country who confronts the media. The president is convinced that journalism distorts reality to harm his administration. In this framework, he decides to attack the press in all his public appearances, declaring that "journalists lie to the population" and that media owners "publish false information to harm the government."

The power that public opinion has today cannot be underestimated, and that is why there are very few who can emerge victorious after attacking a body as numerous and as massive in scope as the press. Thanks to the speed at which information spreads on the Internet, something that happens practically instantaneously, gaining followers to fight for any cause no longer takes entire afternoons walking the streets while we explain our objectives endless times, but rather we publish them once and our contacts do the rest.

Although the process is not instantaneous or infallible, since chance is an important part of the success that our words have on social networks, the path usually used by those who seek support from the community is to appeal to the need to be united to prevent Let them be crushed by the most powerful, to avoid succumbing to imperialism or any form of manipulation that awakens the sensitivity of others and reminds them that next time it could be their turn. Therefore, a derogatory comment against a person can come back in the form of an angry mob in just a few hours.


Attacking someone, whether physically or verbally, can be referred to as lashing out.

Push or pounce

Lunging can also consist of pushing or lunging . A rugby player may charge at an opponent carrying the ball with the intention of knocking him down. This attack must be carried out in accordance with the regulations: otherwise, the referee will sanction an infraction. That is why players must be cautious before attacking their rivals. The action , on the other hand, can put the physical integrity of the other athlete at risk, which is why care is essential.

Although the action of attacking in the sporting field can be described with a certain simplicity, in the middle of a confrontation and combined with a series of factors such as the dimensions of the playing field and fatigue, it is not at all easy. The power needed to accelerate at the right moment, or maintain speed to attack another athlete and take the ball from him, for example, or knock him down, whenever allowed, is not something that anyone can do in their daily life.

Lash out as an unexpected action

The idea of ​​attacking, finally, can refer to doing something with impetus and in an unexpected way : "The old man surprised by attacking the teenager who had rebuked him with blows."

In this example we see a use of the verb that can describe a physical confrontation, through blows, or symbolic, through words. For this reason, it is also common to find it in sentences like the following: "Faced with strong accusations from the public, the singer attacked them with harsh insults, something he deeply regrets."