Definition of


Robbery outburst

A snatch is an unexpected and forced theft

The idea of ​​snatch refers to the act of snatching or snatching away . This verb (snatch), meanwhile, refers to obtaining something by using force and violence .

a crime

An outburst, in this framework, can be theft . Mentioned as a snatch in some countries, the snatch is perpetrated when the victim is attacked in a surprising way and with very rapid action.

It can be stated that the snatch is a crime that is committed against property . Specifically, it involves the application of violence to the stolen object and not to the subject, although the person may end up injured.

Among the most used synonyms of the term snatch we find the following: remove, take, tear off, extract, dispossess, arramblar, plunder, plunder, seize (of), conquer and take away . Dictionaries also offer us some antonyms, such as deliver, give and return .

As we can see, most verbs refer to the use of force to strip someone of their property. Some exceptions are the first two, remove and take , which we should use very cautiously when replacing snatch , since they do not accurately reflect the characteristics of the action. Furthermore, speaking specifically of snatch , only some of these synonyms have an equivalent noun ( pluck, plunder, extraction, dispossession , etc.).

Theft or theft

On the other hand, the snatch is usually included in the group of thefts . In any case, it is common for the classification to be a cause for debate: if the thief struggles with the victim to take an object from him, there are those who consider that it is a theft and others, that it is a robbery .

Suppose a man walks down the street with a phone in one of his hands. Without him noticing, a criminal approaches him, yanks the device away and runs away. This fact can be mentioned as an outburst.

As a synonym for rapture

The notion of rapture is also used as a synonym for rapture . In this case, it may be the alienation produced by passion or the ecstasy derived from an intense emotion . For example: “In an outburst of anger, a young man destroyed a car that was blocking the path of his vehicle,” “The singer surprised with an outburst against his record company, insulting the managers,” “The president had a literary outburst in the middle of of his speech and gave some verses to the audience.”

anger outburst

A woman in a fit of anger

Before continuing, we should briefly talk about the meanings of the term rapture . One of the key words in its definition is "fury", which generally arises from anger, but also from other passions. It is also defined as "ecstasy", understood as a state of pleasure, admiration and exaltation of emotions; This concept can be combined, for example, with the verb contemplate and the preposition in : "I contemplated the work in ecstasy for several minutes."

Let us therefore see the meaning of the example sentences. Let's start with the young man who attacked the car that was preventing him from moving on public roads: it was not a coldly calculated or premeditated act, but rather an outburst of anger that prompted him to vent his frustration in a violent way. The singer who insulted his superiors, on the other hand, also did so unexpectedly , although it is likely that he had been accumulating negative feelings against them for some time.

Finally, we have the case of a president who, to the surprise of his listeners, includes a series of poetic verses in his speech. We must understand that these were not part of his plans, that they were not written in the official document, but that he added them spontaneously and passionately , in an outburst with a clearly positive connotation.