Definition of



The idea of ​​roots can be linked to taking root.

Rooting is the act and consequence of taking root : settling permanently, becoming established, gaining firmness or taking root . The idea of ​​roots can be used in different contexts.

In colloquial language, roots are usually associated with consolidating or establishing a base somewhere. For example: “I settled fifteen years ago in this city: I have very strong roots and I don't want to leave” , “Voodoo has a lot of roots in this town” , “The sociologist has analyzed the mechanism of roots developed by the immigrants who arrived to these lands a century ago."

What is rooting

Although in principle rootedness is a natural response on the part of a living being to a certain territory that causes well-being and security, it is often imposed by third parties and that is when it becomes something negative, a kind of prison. that prevents us from moving forward. The roots should cling to healthy and nutritious soil, which provides us with everything we need to grow and become strong; If, on the other hand, it keeps us glued to a barren and toxic surface, our development is seriously affected.

In this context, we can say that the word uprooting represents practically the opposite, although there are many nuances that differentiate them. Firstly, the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy defines it as "separating a person from the environment or place in which he or she was raised, or breaking the emotional ties that unite him or her to them." Although this meaning describes an action directed at a third party, it is normal to talk about the uprooting that we feel, or that has led us to feel a situation or event.

The notion of uprooting

People who leave their country to seek new job opportunities abroad often use the term uprootedness to express how disconnected they have come to feel due to not being able to speak their own language or not finding in others the degree of understanding and complicity that they achieved naturally in their homeland.

It is worth mentioning that uprooting is something much more complex than a "wound" caused by a cut; In fact, there are those who enjoy this separation from the past and the transformation it brings to them.


The roots can be a notification that informs an individual of the impossibility of leaving their population.

Root in the judicial field

The concept of roots appears in different ways at the judicial level . In some countries , the notification that, within the framework of a legal process, is made to an individual warning them that they cannot leave their town since, otherwise, they will be punished is called roots. Something similar occurs with the roots bond , which can be required from certain litigants, especially if they are foreigners and have sued a Spanish person, so that they do not miss the trial and can respond to its results.

The arrest or domiciliary arrest , in this sense, is a precautionary measure requested by the Prosecutor's Office or the Attorney General's Office and granted by a judge so that a suspect remains at his disposal while sufficient evidence is gathered to certify his probable responsibility in a crime . Arrest is requested when there is a risk of flight of the possible criminal.

Real estate, religion and ballet

Although it is not so common in everyday speech, another meaning of the term roots refers to the possession of real estate . This meaning can be seen in expressions such as "have roots" and "person of roots" .

In Spain , a status that a religious community can claim from the national authorities is called notorious roots . This legal status certifies that a certain confession is established in the national territory and that it has a prominent presence.

“Arraigo” , finally, is the title of a ballet composed by Jerónimo Maesso and directed by Víctor Ullate that premiered in 1988 .