Definition of


Argue law trials

The most used meaning of argüir is "to argue"

The concept of argüir comes from the Latin word arguĕre . The term refers to invoking or citing an explanation or reason , whether against or in favor of something or someone.

Some examples

In the next three sentences we see the term in context: “The deputy should argue another defense, since no one believed what he said about the bag of money that was found in his office,” “Although it could be argued that this book marks a "The lawyer could argue that the young man did not know what he was doing . "

Argüir, as can be seen in these examples, is associated with arguing . Whoever argues expresses reasons, theories or postulates that allow him to support or refute a statement.

In the first sentence it is understood that the deputy had been accused of a robbery, but in his defense he said that he found the money in his office, trying to dilute any possibility that he had taken it intentionally. The public, however, does not find this argument convincing . The second example speaks of a writer who in recent years has begun to try new ideas in his works.

The issuer affirms that it would be correct to argue that his most recent book is the one that deviates the most from the path outlined so far, but he also recognizes that his followers would probably have glimpsed the signs of this transformation in the previous ones. Finally, a sentence is presented that refers to a trial in which a young man is accused; If the lawyer argued that his actions were not voluntary or conscious, the judge would probably accept it.

Two situations

Suppose the driver of a car runs a red light and hits a pedestrian who was crossing. The subject, as a defense, tries to argue that he did not see the traffic light or the pedestrian , although this does not justify it: when driving he has the obligation to pay attention to the road and the surroundings.

Take the case of a president who, in his first months in office, attributes all the difficulties and problems to the previous administration, a position that the population understands. However, two years later, he tries to argue the same thing , but citizens already understand that the progress of the country is their responsibility and not that of the government that preceded him.

More meanings and synonyms

Another use of arguing is associated with reaching a conclusion based on a general principle or a prior premise. Also arguing, said regarding one thing, refers to being positioned as proof or an indication of another. Finally, it is possible to use this verb in the sense of "accusing" or "blaming" and "disputing by canceling what another person said."

Argue politics accusation

Although less common, argue also means "to accuse."

Since it is not a very common word in everyday speech, we will now present some of its synonyms to understand in which cases we could use it to express our ideas: argue, explain, expose, analyze, reason, establish, deduce , demonstrate, determine and prove . The following are also synonyms of arguing: debate, discuss, deliberate, contend, altercate, litigate and dispute .

As we see, this list is dominated by terms whose connotation can be applied to the examples presented above, where roughly speaking we could say that the general meaning of argue is "to argue." However, it is clear to us that this verb, although it is not used in everyday speech, has several meanings that offer us a range of very varied semantic possibilities. It is an interesting challenge to learn and recognize them in formal texts.