Definition of



Something arbitrary is capricious and does not obey a rule or reasonable reasons.

Before entering fully into the definition of the term arbitrary , it is necessary that we know what its etymological origin is. In this case, we can establish that it is a word that derives from Latin, exactly from “arbitrarius” which is the result of the sum of the following parts:

-The prefix “ad-”, which can be translated as “towards”.

-The verb “baetere”, which is synonymous with “go”.

-The suffix “-ary”, which is used to indicate “relative to”.

Concept of arbitrary

The adjective arbitrary, in this way, qualifies that which is done on a whim or whim , and not for reasonable reasons or specified by a rule.

For example: “It is an arbitrary ruling that does not respect what is established by law” , “I am fed up with Daniel: he runs the company in an arbitrary way and does not allow the rest of us to give our opinion” , “This is arbitrary! Why do you decide instead of consulting the rest of the group members?” .


The arbitrary is associated with authoritarianism . If the governor of a province leads his district exclusively according to his considerations, without consulting any advisor and without listening to opponents or even neighbors, he may be classified as an arbitrary leader.

When decisions are made that do not obey formal rules or clear criteria, we also speak of arbitrariness. To occupy job positions in the State , to cite one case, it is common for public competitions or calls to be held that allow the most capable people to be chosen, who will be remunerated with taxpayers' money. If the authorities choose employees arbitrarily, they do not pay attention to these issues, but rather make appointments as they please.


An arbitrary dismissal is one that has no cause.

Arbitrary sound

In the same way, we cannot ignore other uses of the arbitrary term that concerns us now. Thus, for example, we must emphasize the existence of what is known as arbitrary sound . This is one that has the particularity that it does not have a logical relationship with what the object it expresses is.

Precisely because of this very frequent situation, there are numerous debates about what has been called the arbitrariness of language.

A dismissal without cause

An arbitrary dismissal , finally, occurs when a company fires a worker without cause. These decisions enable the dismissed worker to go to court to demand reinstatement or compensation. In this way, the abuse that the company in question may have committed is avoided or repaired.

In order to appear in court and request that their rights be recognized based on this arbitrary dismissal, we have to know that the employee must undertake a series of steps. Specifically, you must establish the corresponding claim as well as accompany it with documents that can certify not only the contractual relationship you had with the company but also that the dismissal has been absolutely arbitrary.

In that case, you can use everything from the corresponding contract to the dismissal letter, including any other document you consider appropriate.