The first meaning of shoring collected by the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) refers to placing props . A prop, meanwhile, is a piece of wood that is used as a support.
It is important to note that propping is also used symbolically. The term, in this way, can refer to supporting, sustaining or securing , without said action implying the establishment of a physical backup.
Shoring up in architecture
If we focus on the field of architecture , shoring is the procedure carried out when a piece, generally made of wood, is used to temporarily support a structure . These pieces have different characteristics according to the type of shoring that is carried out.
It is possible to prop up with support plates , trestles or frameworks , to mention a few possibilities. The resource used depends on the work to be carried out.
It must be taken into account that, in addition to constructions, wells, excavations or similar spaces can be shored up. The objective is that there are no landslides or landslides that put human beings at risk.
Support for people, institutions or causes
As we indicated above, the notion of shoring can also refer to spiritual support or that does not involve the installation of a material column or beam. In this context, prop up is equivalent to supporting or endorsing .
Suppose a young man is depressed because he had a fight with his girlfriend and lost his job. Faced with this reality, his friends carry out various initiatives with the intention of supporting him: they invite him to bars to have fun, they lend him money so he can cover his expenses until he finds a new job, etc.
A government , on the other hand, can support a civil association that carries out positive work for the community. The authorities, in this way, provide them with subsidies and elements so that they can fulfill their social function.
You can also support a cause . If a group of residents of a neighborhood begins to gather signatures to oppose the construction of buildings in a green space, what they are doing is seeking support to shore up their position.
The importance of shoring
The act of propping up is very important in life in society. Whoever provides support is demonstrating their solidarity and empathy : by understanding that another is going through a difficulty or has to overcome a challenge, they offer their support to support or encourage them.
All individuals, at some point, require support. It is a need that usually appears at different times, whether linked to an economic issue or a more emotional issue.
By supporting someone, you help them get ahead. Generally, the activity generates a feeling of gratitude in the one who is supported.
A company or an organization, meanwhile, may require shoring to survive. In some cases, the act of propping up is part of a for-profit operation: a bank may grant a loan to support an SME that is experiencing financial problems, charging interest on the loan. Propping up, then, does not always have to do with altruism.