Definition of



An approval means considering something good or valid.

Approval is the action and effect of approving . The term comes from the Latin approbatĭo , while the verb approve refers to considering something or someone as good or sufficient .

For example: "My mother gave me her approval for the marriage, so I am calmer" , "The approval of the project would take several weeks, according to what was indicated by government sources" , "I already have everything ready to start the construction: all that remains is to receive approval of the plans from the municipality .

Approval in the political and legislative context

One of the areas where the term approval is most significant is in the political and legislative sphere. And it is fundamental in the process in which certain laws that affect the lives of all citizens are passed or not .

In the case of Spain , the 1978 Constitution establishes an important series of guidelines on how legislative approval should be carried out. Thus, for example, it is ruled that for any organic law to be accepted, modified or repealed, it is essential that an absolute majority of the Congress of Deputies be achieved.

On the contrary, as a general rule, all ordinary laws can be approved if they simply obtain the support of the simple majority of the aforementioned body of the country.

Throughout history, it must be emphasized that there have been various norms and legislations that, when they have obtained the approval of the political leaders of that time, have become true milestones. This would be the case of the divorce law , the abortion law, the one that abolished slavery or the one that allows marriage between people of the same sex .

thumbs up

An approval can be a positive rating.

Nod, agree or get a positive rating

Approval also consists of assenting to a doctrine or agreeing with an opinion or proposal: "The public gave its approval to the candidate's speech with strong applause," "I tried to get a change in the conditions of his plan, but my boss wouldn't let me." gave his approval .

Obtaining a passing grade in an exam or evaluation is also called approval: "I am about to graduate, you just have to confirm that I have passed an exam," "I already submitted the final project, but the professor told me no." "You can give me approval."

One possibility is that, to obtain this pass, any student has to obtain a minimum of 5 , a grade of Sufficient in the test, otherwise he or she will have failed. From 5 onwards, as a general rule, the denominations are Good for a 6 , Remarkable for a 7 , Remarkable High for an 8 , Outstanding for a 9 and Honors for a 10 .

The opposite of approval

The opposite of approval is disapproval , which consists of disapproving or not assenting to something.

A person who gives approval to a project is granting approval or agreement. On the other hand, if the subject disapproves of the aforementioned project, what he does is oppose or, at least, not provide his support: "Raúl gave me his approval so tomorrow we will travel to complete the business" and "Raúl did not give me his approval." therefore we have to suspend the trip" are statements that demonstrate how a situation can change according to your approval or disapproval.