Definition of


Catholic apologetics

Catholic apologetics promotes and defends Catholicism

The Greek word apologētikós came into late Latin as apologetĭcus . This term, in turn, led to apologetics , a concept that in our language refers to the series of arguments that are put forward to support the truth held by a religion .

Defense and promotion of faith

Within the framework of theology , therefore, apologetics is the defense and promotion of faith according to a certain approach. The notion refers to the explanation given by the faithful about their beliefs.

What apologetics does is present a justification of the essential principles of a religion. In its development it exposes arguments that, as evidence, point to understanding.

Catholic apologetics

If we focus on Catholic apologetics , it shows the signs attributed to divine revelations and the evidence that would prove the existence of God . This apologetics is postulated as the defense of the Catholic faith against attacks by sectarians, skeptics, atheists and followers of other religions.

Although there are specialists in apologetics, every believer is expected to be able to provide a logical and reasonable explanation about their faith . This allows it to be defended if an attack occurs.

It is important to note that the apologetics of Catholicism is considered a theological science , so it rests on a considerable theoretical base. This means that it is not a mere defensive attitude, but a discipline that is responsible for collecting all the necessary evidence to do so by explaining its foundations .

The considerations and arguments that specialists in Catholic apologetics have collected throughout history have an immovable value for them, and are organized in a solid system that allows them to approach debates with complete confidence in their ideas.

Another meaning

Apologetics or apologetic, on the other hand, is that linked to apology : a speech that flatters, flatters or defends something or someone. In this way we can speak of an apologetic book , an apologetic film , etc. For example: “The writer offered an apologetic dissertation about the former president,” “The premiere of an apologetic documentary about the dictator generated great controversy,” “The intellectual's apologetic speech disappointed me because I thought he would have a more critical view of the matter.” .

Apologetics speech

An apologetic speech seeks to praise or defend someone

Let's look at these three examples to understand the reaction of those who observe the apologetic thing. Let's start with the dissertation , which can be a conference, a lesson or even a written document through which we reason methodically and carefully about a particular subject, with the aim of presenting it to an audience that does not know it or to refute existing opinions. In this case, a writer talks about his former president, either praising him or defending him against certain accusations.

We continue with the documentary in which a dictator is spoken positively, a fact that sparks controversy. This example presents a situation that is very easy to understand, since dictators are a type of person who is impossible to defend , as are serial killers and rapists. Although psychiatry can study the minds of these criminals to try to explain the reasons that lead them to commit the horrible acts that characterize them, it is not normal for people to be willing to understand them.

In the last example, the speaker appears disappointed at the apologetic nature of the speech given by a person from the intellectual field. The reason he gives us is that he is not satisfied with the lack of criticism of his vision on the topic he has discussed, probably because he has not demonstrated a sufficient degree of commitment . A person with extensive academic training is expected to use his resources to help improve the world around him, substantiating his claims, and not be afraid to expose them.