Definition of



Apathy is associated with reluctance .

Apathy is a concept derived from the Latin word apathy that refers to apathy, reluctance, indifference and lack of strength . It is, in other words, the impassive state of mind that is reflected in the absence of desire or enthusiasm.

Some examples where the term appears: "The boxer showed an alarming apathy in the ring" , "That album was the perfect soundtrack to portray the apathy of the time" , "Leave the apathy and dare to dance with us" .

Apathy as a pathology is a term coined by psychology and it is an affective disorder that causes indifference to events, people or the environment that surrounds the sick subject. Which is manifested through a vain reaction to the stimuli that come from outside, or even those that come from within.

Different types of apathy

When apathy only appears in specific cases (directed towards an individual, a task or a context), it is usually a response to stress . Nor should we forget that, sometimes, apathy has nothing pathological and is simply disinterest in what a person thinks is not relevant or interesting.

When apathy is diagnosed clinically, it has nothing to do with boredom or laziness . However, at a colloquial level, a link is usually established between these notions. That is why a man can tell his son expressions like "Forget about apathy and get to work."

For it to be diagnosed, it is strictly necessary that a neuropsychiatric examination be carried out in which not only the conditions in which the patient's mental state is found are investigated, but also the characteristics of their environment and the subject's aspirations (activities, objectives, wishes, etc.); because all of them can affect the mental health of the person .

It is worth mentioning that apathy can also occur in people with Alzheimer's disease and dementia ; In these cases it is related to cognitive functioning and alterations in the individual's daily performance. In most cases this disorder is accompanied by depressive symptoms.

An emotional pothole

If apathy is not pathological, it is possible to reverse it with various stimuli depending on the interests of the person in question. A certain musical theme, an inspiring photograph or an air freshener are some elements that can help overcome a mild apathetic state.

Emotional apathy can harm the affected individual and his or her environment, but it is not resolved as simply as deciding to do things against it. It is necessary to understand its origin and develop a way to get out of that rut, so that once resolved, the patient cannot fall into it again.

Woman in bed

Sexual apathy arises with a lack of desire.

sexual apathy

We speak of sexual apathy or inhibition when in a couple one of the parties does not feel passion or sexual desire with respect to the other (generally not with other individuals who are not part of the couple). This lack of passion is shown with a clear disinterest in physical contact and sexual relations . Apathy can be diagnosed when the number of times a person feels prompted to have sexual contact with another partially or completely decreases.

Sexual apathy is primary when the person has manifested it since the beginning of their sexual encounters, and secondary when it arises after there has been a normal and satisfactory period of sexual activity. Apathy can also be selective , when it is only present with a particular person. Finally, we speak of general sexual apathy when it is stable and permanent.

A disorder linked to lack of desire

It should be noted that some authors call sexual apathy a hypoactive disorder of sexual desire and before being diagnosed, mental illnesses that lead the subject to lose sexual interest, or that the subject is ingesting a drug that could cause this apathy, must be ruled out.

The causes of sexual apathy are usually related to high levels of anxiety caused by an overly demanding moral education, previous traumatic sexual experiences or feelings of self-rejection (feeling unattractive or undervalued).

The best way to address this pathology is to make the patient aware of the problems and face them; encourage him to dare to give and receive love by valuing himself and the other and above all, to come into contact with his deepest feelings and desires. In a word, focusing existence on reviving that dormant part of the sick person, their sexuality .