Definition of



A gadget is a machine or device.

Apparatus is a concept that comes from the Latin word apparātus and has multiple uses. The first meaning mentioned by the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) refers to the grouping of elements that act together and in a coordinated manner to develop a function.

For example: "My grandmother has a device that kneads and cooks bread in a few minutes," "I would like them to invent a device capable of ironing and sorting clothes automatically," "The government announced a million-dollar investment in high-quality appliances." technology to improve hospital services .

A device, in this sense, is a machine made up of various parts. A television, a scanner, a car, a microwave oven and a washing machine, among many other devices, can be considered appliances.

Importance of devices

Although we can cite a list of devices of truly considerable length, it is not the variety in which this concept is currently manifested, but rather the weight it has come to have in our lives. Something that only in the second half of the 20th century could be a luxury that the wealthiest families could afford, such as the purchase of a television or a music system, has multiplied exponentially and today is not only normal, but « necessary" .

It is no longer necessary to earn a juicy salary at the end of the month to purchase appliances, given that the great competition and growing demand of recent decades has given way to mass production, with the consequent reduction in prices . Any middle-class person can access a series of devices that allow them to enjoy their free time and facilitate typical home maintenance tasks, such as cleaning and preparing food.

The most worrying characteristic of this era is that many people do not stop to think if they need a device before buying it, but instead allow themselves to be influenced by the media and invasive advertising campaigns, which convince them that they need them if They want to be part of society . This phenomenon especially attacks the most insecure, those individuals who cannot stand the idea of ​​being judged for not adapting to impositions, and in this way the market moves millions regardless of the quality of the products and services it offers.

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In biology, an apparatus is a set of organs that are involved in the same function.

The concept in biology

In the field of biology , the group of organs that are involved in the same function is called an apparatus.

The respiratory system , to cite one example, is made up of the trachea, bronchi, lungs and other organs dedicated to absorbing the oxygen present in the air to take it to the blood and, simultaneously, expelling carbon dioxide from the body. . The digestive system , the circulatory system and the reproductive system are other examples in this same context.

Other uses of the term apparatus

A set of individuals or objects , both physical and symbolic, can also be called an apparatus: "The Nationalist Party summoned its apparatus to protest against the government's decision," "People are not satisfied with the functioning of the judicial apparatus." » , «The environmental candidate regretted not having a device to support him» .

The instruments used to perform gymnastic exercises and the device that allows correcting defects in the body of a human being, finally, can be called appliances: "I was training with appliances," "When I was a child, I had to use appliances on my teeth." » . While both examples refer to decisions related to aesthetics, dental braces can be used to straighten severely crooked dentures to avoid complications that exceed the limits of orthodontics.