Definition of



A craving is a desire or desire that usually arises on a whim.

A craving is a desire or desire that usually arises on a whim and whose satisfaction is imperative.

For example: “I crave chocolate ice cream” , “You can't do things as you want: in the company there is a structure that you must respect” , “I'm fed up with your cravings” .

Cravings during pregnancy

The concept is usually associated with the sudden desires that pregnant women have. Popular belief indicates that these cravings must be satisfied to avoid different problems in the unborn baby (such as the appearance of spots on the baby's skin). Thus, if a woman, in the middle of the night, craves apple pie, her husband will surely try to bake or purchase the pie in question, even if it is difficult due to the schedule.

The hormonal changes experienced, the possible deficiency of vitamin B in the body, the anxiety that may be felt and even the need to receive attention are some of the possible causes that are considered responsible for cravings among pregnant women.

There are already different lists that indicate which are the most frequent cravings among future mothers. This indicates that the most common are chocolate, bacon, fruit, ice cream, cheese, French fries, and crackers.

future mom

It is common for pregnant women to have cravings.

Unusual claims

However, another type of ranking has also been created that indicates which are the rarest cravings that have been detected among pregnant women. This would be the case, for example, of ice cream with chili sauce (pepper or bell pepper), sausages with jam, watermelon with butter (butter) and even cookies with toothpaste.

Logically, in the face of these strange cravings that may be unhealthy , doctors recommend that pregnant women take other measures. Specifically, they tell them to eat something different instead that may be healthy, to think that there are products that may not be beneficial for their children, or to go outside to distract themselves. Likewise, it is established that you can also choose to do some exercise and even listen to music or watch television.

Craving as personal will

The idea of ​​craving is also used to name the desire or personal ambition that an individual seeks to satisfy selfishly, without taking into account the will of others or the possible consequences of their action. The person who acts as he pleases, in this framework, does what he wants. This type of behavior, of course, can generate all kinds of problems (at work, in the family, with the law, etc.).

That which is desired capriciously, beyond rationality and logic , is also known as a craving: “Ever since I started working, the car was my craving,” “In my adolescence, traveling through Europe as a backpacker was my craving.” ” , “Those shoes are my craving: one day I will buy them” .