Definition of



An antinomy is a contradiction between two ideas.

An antinomy is the contradiction that exists between two concepts or ideas . The term came to our language from the Latin word antinomĭa , in turn derived from the Greek antinomy .

For example: “There is an antinomy between the projects proposed by the two political parties” , “The antinomy between offensive football and defensive football has been left behind: today we know that the best teams are those that bet on balance” , “It is “It is incredible that, in the 21st century, there are countries that are bleeding due to a religious antinomy.”

Antinomy concept

The antinomy reveals the existence of a contradiction that cannot be resolved: the two antinomical principles appear at odds with each other. It is important to highlight that, in the field of philosophy , antinomies are not necessarily linked to reason, since two principles can be rational and, at the same time, be contradictory.

In everyday language, the notion of antinomy is usually used with reference to a confrontation that seems impossible to resolve due to the absence of common points or the presentation of discordant proposals. It is common for antinomies to arise in the field of politics , when the proposals of different parties are very different. If one party proposes a free market economy and another wants a strong presence of the State to control economic variables, there is an antinomy between the two projects.


The idea of ​​antinomy is usually used with reference to a confrontation.

The concept in law

In the field of law , antinomy presents various nuances, which we must analyze to find the most appropriate solution to a given conflict. Many theorists have dedicated their efforts to the preparation of valuable documents that allow us to classify and study the different types of antinomy. In this case, we will focus on the theory of Norberto Bobbio , who relies on the scope of validity of the norms that lead to the conflict, to establish a distinction between various types of antinomy.

If the two norms share the scope of validity, Bobbio points out that we are faced with a total-total antinomy . This is a case in which neither of the two can be applied without causing a conflict ; For example, if one of them prohibits parking in a certain area from nine in the morning until twelve in the afternoon and the other, from ten in the morning until two in the afternoon. Compliance with one of them inevitably implies non-compliance with the other.

On the other hand, we have cases in which the scope of validity of the norms is not identical, and Bobbio groups them under the concept of partial-partial antinomy . This controversy only occurs in the portion of intersection between both regulations, as would happen if both prohibited parking during the same hours, but one focused on trucks and cars, and the other, on cars and bicycles.

The partial-partial antinomy exposed in this example occurs only when the desire arises to park a bicycle or a truck in the prohibition zone, since both norms coincide with respect to cars.

The third type of antinomy recognized by Bobbio is called total-partial , and occurs when the two norms that come into conflict have the same scope of validity, but one of them presents a greater restriction . Returning to the example of the previous paragraphs, we could notice this controversy if one rule absolutely prohibited parking for any vehicle, while the other only addressed trucks.

The idea of ​​antinomy in religion

Finally, antinomism is called a religious movement that developed in the 16th century .

Although he was part of Christianity, he was labeled heretical because he held that faith was all that was needed, regardless of the sins committed.