From the Latin angustĭa ( "angostura" , "difficulty" ), anguish is distress or affliction . It is an emotional state that implies a certain psychological discomfort, accompanied by changes in the body (such as tremors, tachycardia, excessive sweating or shortness of breath).
For example: "I hope to get a job in the next few days, I cannot live with this anguish" , "It causes me great anguish to know that you will soon leave and I will not see you again for a long time" , "Last week I felt anguish about the situation." , but little by little I got used to it .
Anguish as a reaction
Anxiety can be a reaction to danger or something unknown. You may even feel distress without a precise cause. In these cases, the concept has a meaning similar to fear or anxiety : "I was distressed when we were locked in the elevator," "Juan felt distress when he changed schools."
The stressful pace of life that we lead, the professional or personal complications that we have to face in our daily lives or economic difficulties are some of the situations that lead many people to find themselves currently having various symptoms of distress. Another use of the concept is related to a difficult situation or a predicament : "The victory allowed the team to leave the anguish behind and wait for the second round with greater optimism," "The anguish will end when we get help to face the debts."
Fear, sadness, nervousness, irritability, headaches, problems falling asleep or anxiety are some of the symptoms that make it clear that someone is suffering from distress. In these cases, it is necessary to go to medical professionals who can help the person in question through the corresponding treatment, which may be based on the intake of some medication and also on therapy or psychological sessions.
How to deal with it
However, in these cases it is also advisable for the person suffering from anxiety to choose to carry out these other actions:
• Periodically perform physical exercise to calm most of the symptoms you suffer.
• Learn to establish priorities and also to delegate.
• Appreciate all the good things you have.
• Find free time to enjoy hobbies and the people you love.
Studies on anxiety
In his early studies of anxiety, Sigmund Freud differentiated between realistic anxiety and neurotic anxiety . Realistic anxiety is that which arises in the face of an external danger and which involves an increase in sensory attention and motor tension. Neurotic anxiety, on the other hand, has no external foundation, does not clearly refer to an object or is exaggerated given the objectivity of the danger.
To overcome anxiety attacks, psychologists recommend increasing physical exercise, drinking plenty of water and avoiding stress overload.
Other uses of the term
In the same way, we can determine that, on many occasions, the word in question is usually used as a synonym for nausea .
In addition to all this, we have to establish that the term we are analyzing in plural is also the name of many women. "Dolores" we can say is the meaning of the proper name of those women who celebrate their name day on September 15, since that is when the saint of Our Lady of Sorrows is celebrated.