Definition of



Anarchy is linked to the lack of public power.

Anarchy is a concept that comes from the Greek language and refers to the absence of public power . It may be related to the political movement that proposes the existence of a social organization that is not hierarchical or to a conflict in a consolidated State (generally democratic).

In a situation of lack of control, in which the State is weakened and can no longer exercise a monopoly on the use of force , it is often said that "anarchy spreads" because there is no one who has sufficient leadership capacity to restore order. peace. In this situation, the government is unable to apply the law over its territory because a political disorder , an institutional conflict or a social crisis is taking place.

Many times citizens are even unaware of the power of the government in question, which leads to chaos. That is why the notion of anarchy is also used in everyday language as a synonym for hubbub , lack of control or confusion . Some examples where the term appears are: "The opposition has demanded that the president appeal to the Army to end the anarchy" , "People are tired of living in anarchy, without clear rules" , "Since the director resigned, the school is anarchy .

Anarchy as a doctrine

The political doctrine that defends anarchy is known as anarchism . Anarchists promote a form of social organization that dispenses with the State. They do not believe in the dominion of man over man. For this, they promote institutions that are formed by the free agreement of citizens, without the use of force.

The symbol of anarchy is a letter A surrounded by a circle . This circle represents the unity and balance of the natural order, without the need for a vertical order. Another symbol of anarchism is the black flag , since the uniform color demonstrates unity and black reflects the purity of the ideal because it cannot be dirty or stained.


Mikhail Bakunin is one of the thinkers who reflected on anarchy.

The contributions of Mikhail Bakunin

Among the fundamental intellectuals of the movement, it is worth mentioning Mikhail Bakunin (1814-1876), one of the greatest disseminators of anarchism in Europe.

In his youth, Bakunin became friends with the poet Nikolai Stankevich with whom he began to study important philosophical authors such as Kant, Schelling, Fichte and Hegel. Later he became interested in politics and began to serve in the Socialist Party; However, his ideas were more ambitious than those sought by the revolutionaries of the moment and later he had to abandon this militancy to form his own political group, in which he would express all his ideas.

This movement emerged under the name of the International Alliance of Socialist Democracy , and would make clear its clear differences with socialism . Later these new political ideas would be consolidated with the establishment of anarchism .

Anarchy as absence of the State

Bakunin was convinced that a better world was possible and for this it was only necessary to eradicate the existence of an authoritarian government . He wanted a horizontal social organization, without hierarchies of any kind that could corrupt the freedom of the most disadvantaged.

His main objective, for which he was working almost all of his youth, was to suppress the existence of National States and create federations , made up of free agricultural and industrial associations. He was convinced that any systematic structure, even those with a leader chosen by the majority of the people, was bad and doomed to failure.

Among Bakunin's main proposals, the most notable was the search for a democratic society that was not governed by the laws of the economy but rather supported equality and social union.

The main maxim of this intellectual was: " It is by proposing the impossible that we can achieve the possible ."