Definition of



A threat anticipates an intention to cause harm.

A threat is a gesture, expression or action that anticipates the intention to harm someone if the threatened person does not comply with certain demands. The concept can also be used with reference to the imminent development of something negative.

For example: "The woman who denounced a drug trafficker claims that she received a threat last night" , "The lack of foreign credit is a threat to economic growth" , "Terrorists launched a new threat to the US government" .

The threat as a warning of harm

When an individual threatens another, he warns him of harm that he will suffer if he does not do what he asks of him. Threats can appear in different contexts and have different severities.

A mother may threaten to take away the television from her bedroom if her son does not improve his grades in school . In this case, the threat tries to function as an incentive for the child to make an effort in studying.


It can be named as a threat to the imminent development of a negative event (for example, a storm).

a crime

The case of the man who threatens his neighbor to shoot him in the head if he continues making noise is different. This action involves a death threat : the recipient of the threat must change their behavior or else they will be killed.

This last threat, like others considered serious, constitutes a crime . For the law, when someone anticipates the commission of an illegal act with the aim of causing fear in another subject, they incur a criminal action. The neighbor who “warns” the other that he will kill him if he does not comply with his request is committing a crime with his threat.

Movie "Episode I: The Phantom Menace"

In the same way, we cannot ignore that it has in its title the word that concerns us, one of the films that shape one of the cinematographic sagas of all time. We are referring to the feature film “Episode I: the Phantom Menace”, which is included in the “Star Wars” or “Star Wars” series.

Specifically, it is the fourth installment although the first in order by history. It was released in 1999 and is directed by George Lucas. It shows how the Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi are in charge of watching over, caring for and protecting Queen Amidala during the trip she makes from Naboo to Coruscant.

Not to mention that the lives of other important figures in the entire saga are also exposed, such as, for example, Anakin Skywalker or the so-called Sith.

A book by Michael Crichton

Likewise, within the literary field we find numerous publications that also revolve around a threat. This would be the case, among others, of the novel “The Andromeda Menace”, by the famous writer Michael Crichton.

That book was published in 1969, a best-seller that was brought to the big screen years later and revolves around a project carried out by scientists. With it, what they are trying to do is plan how to act in the event of a possible case of extraterrestrial contamination.