Definition of

I knead

I kneadKneaded flour used to make bread is called dough . The term refers to a dough that, when mixed with other ingredients, allows progress towards the end of a gastronomic preparation.

The dough is usually formed with flour and water . Many times it also includes salt . Once the dough is made, its use depends on the recipe : it can be combined with the filling , to mention one possibility, to achieve the final product.

In the field of baking, for example, the dough is the fundamental element, from which practically all its products arise. Of course, it is not only used in the industrial field, since many people prepare doughs of various characteristics for their meals and desserts. In no case is it necessary to know the concept by its proper name to obtain good results, especially if we have a lot of intuition in the kitchen, but it can be useful to organize ourselves better and apply new tips to our dishes.

This brings us to the concept of slang , a linguistic modality that is associated with a certain group of people, professional or not, who bring together specific terms. Typically, each industry sector has its own jargon, made up of a long list of terms and expressions that are not used outside their environment. However, learning some of them can be useful for those entrepreneurs who embark on the exciting path of self-taught learning to understand the sources of study.

Knowing the term dough is necessary to understand some of the tips that we will surely come across in our adventure of learning to make different products made from dough. Experts point out that it is necessary to carry out a long list of tasks so that the dough can be considered finished and ready to move forward in making the bread. The first of them is rising , that is, the use of yeast, which must be carried out the night before.

I kneadFor the dough to be light, we must begin by diluting the crescent (a ball of dough extracted from the previous dough) in a fountain with warm water. It is important to note that this dough must be raw. Once it dissolves, we must add flour until it becomes a soft paste, similar to that used to prepare fritters. It should be left well protected overnight for fermentation to occur, a process that will cause a bittersweet smell that is impossible to ignore.

Beyond the scope of cooking , a dough that is made with earth, plaster or another similar substance is also called dough. These materials are mixed with some liquid - usually water - to form the dough.

A colloquial use of the concept of mass, on the other hand, refers to a mixture of heterogeneous elements . For example : “I asked the employees for some ideas to improve the company's situation and they presented me with a mass of projects that were impossible to carry out,” “I arrived in this city with a mass of desires and dreams that, thank God, I was able to make it more concrete as the years went by,” “When they opened the door, the police found a Dantesque scene: a mass of destroyed bodies.”

The idea of ​​amasijo appears in lunfardo , a slang (informal language) that emerged in Buenos Aires among lower-class people and over time was introduced into the popular speech of Argentina in general and even Uruguay . In this framework, a mass is a punishment , a beating or even a murder : “The singer's mass moved the population,” “The boy was subjected to a mass by a gang,” “What an unnecessary mass!” .