Definition of



To counteract the bitterness, sugar is often used.

Bitterness is the taste that is perceived as bitter , similar to gall, according to the first meaning of the term mentioned in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ). This type of flavor, if it has a lot of intensity, is not very pleasant .

Bitterness is detected by the taste buds located in the back region of the tongue . For some biologists, this taste began to be perceived as unpleasant since evolution, since poisonous substances are usually bitter. Thus bitterness became negative in human consideration.

Examples of bitterness

Grapefruit juice, coffee and beer are three drinks that are characterized by their bitterness.

In some cases, in fact, sugar is added to minimize or eliminate said bitterness, although many people enjoy some of them without any problem without sweetening them.

Benefits of citrus fruits

Both grapefruit , lemon and orange, to name a few citrus fruits, are among the most beneficial natural products for our health , and that is why the bitterness of their flavor remains in the background when we are aware of the action of their properties on our body. First of all, it is known that they are a natural source of vitamins A, B (1 and 2) and C, as well as minerals (sulfur, copper and potassium), substances that the body needs for its proper functioning.

As if this were not enough, citrus fruits also help us take care of our digestive system, one of the parts of the body that suffers the most due to modern lifestyles. Some of them, such as oranges, serve to disinfect the digestive tract, dissolve food, accelerate the healing of ulcers and relieve heartburn .


Grapefruit is a citrus fruit that is characterized by its bitterness.

symbolic meaning of the term bitterness

From this negative perception of bitterness, the notion refers to that which causes sadness , pain , worry , uneasiness or discomfort . Suppose a man aspires to come home early to play with his son. However, when you are about to end the work day, your boss asks you to stay in the office after hours to complete certain urgent tasks. This obligation causes him bitterness, since he precisely intended to leave work as soon as possible to arrive home soon and spend time with his son.

The person who expected to rest on Sunday but who, early that day, is awakened by noises coming from his neighbor's house may also experience bitterness. Unable to sleep, he is forced to get up even though that was not his intention.

The search for well-being

It is important to note that bitterness can lead to a state of stress from which it is very difficult to escape, and this puts the person's general health, both mental and physical, at risk. When we go through stages in which problems seem to proliferate without control , we often convince ourselves that there is a force that acts against us, and that predisposes us negatively towards life.

Feeling that someone or something wishes us harm and that for that reason we will not be able to move forward generates a deep bitterness in us that tarnishes our daily lives, makes us extremely susceptible to problems and we tend to magnify any obstacle, believing more and more frequently that "nothing makes sense anymore."

Both psychotherapy and some treatments that aim to balance the body and soul, such as yoga, can be very beneficial in warding off bad thoughts and pursuing well-being in all aspects of life. However, the fundamental point is that this search arises spontaneously and legitimately from within us.