Definition of



The schedule and characteristics of lunch depend on the region.

Lunch is the meal eaten in the middle of the day . This action is known as having lunch . For example: “It's still not until lunch but I'm already hungry” , “At lunch I ate a delicious pizza” , “Don't forget to take food with you for lunch” .

Before moving forward with the meaning of the term, it is interesting to discover its etymological origin. In this case, it must be said that it is a word that derives from the Arabic al-morsus , which can be translated as "the bite ."

Lunch time

A few hours after breakfast , which is the first meal of the day, it is time for lunch. It is usually taken at noon or in the early afternoon . That is why it is common for lunch to take place in the work environment or at school, since it represents a break in the middle of daily obligations.

It should be noted that depending on the country, lunch takes place at one time or another. Thus, while in Central European nations it is very common for it to take place around 12:30 or 1 p.m. , in Spain it is, as a general rule, from 2 p.m. or even later.


Whenever possible, it is advisable to opt for a healthy lunch.

Its characteristics

The characteristics of lunch usually depend on cultural and social factors. A retiree may eat lunch at home, spending time preparing the dishes and the act of eating itself. Lunch, in this case, can even consist of an appetizer, a main course and a dessert.

An office worker, on the other hand, is likely to have a quick lunch, consisting of a single dish. There are workers who take food in a lunch box or lunch box from home and consume it in the office. There are also those who choose to have lunch at fast food establishments. It is common for companies to provide a fixed time for lunch in the middle of the workday.

In certain cases, lunch can be an important event. Entrepreneurs and executives often hold business lunches , where they discuss business issues while eating.

Healthy lunches

The keys to being able to have a healthy lunch are the following:

  • You should always opt for fresh products instead of frozen or prepared ones.
  • In the same way, it is essential that the products taken are seasonal.
  • It is advisable to plan lunch weekly so that it includes not only healthy but also varied foods. That is, legumes, vegetables, meat or fish, for example, take center stage.
  • You must be aware that you must reject or reduce the intake of products with a lot of fat and sugar as much as possible.
  • When preparing different recipes, it is advisable to always opt for healthier cooking methods. Thus, instead of frying food, you should prepare it by steaming, grilling and even baking it .