Definition of

healthy eating


Healthy eating is one that includes foods with positive effects on health.

Feeding is the act and consequence of feeding or feeding : that is, of supplying food to a living being or supplying energy to machinery. When a person eats food, he or she is fed and begins the process called digestion , which allows those foods to be converted into nutrients that the body needs for its functioning.

Healthy , for its part, is an adjective that refers to what allows one to maintain or recover health . The notion also refers to one or that which has a healthy appearance.

What is healthy eating

The idea of ​​healthy eating , in this way, is linked to the intake of foods that have positive effects on health . By choosing this type of food, the person protects their body and can even reverse certain conditions.

With healthy eating, a human being manages to develop with fewer health disorders, minimizing the risk of contracting certain diseases, increasing their well-being and strengthening their immune system. On the other hand, the so-called junk food generates the opposite: it contributes to the appearance of diseases and affects vital functions in different ways.


Fruits are part of a healthy diet.

Features of such a diet

In order to carry out a healthy diet, it is necessary to respect a series of very important rules or pillars:

-You should not have packaged or precooked products.

-It is essential that you bet, at all times, on fresh, quality foods.

-In this diet it is vital that both fruits and vegetables have a huge presence. In the same way, you have to choose in each season to eat those that are typical of it. Likewise, it should not be overlooked that you should eat between 5 and 7 pieces of fruit daily.

-What is known as junk or fast food should not be present at all.

-Sweets and industrial pastries are also not advisable to be part of this diet, since they provide a lot of fats, sugars and calories.

-When cooking, you should opt for cooked, grilled or baked dishes rather than fried.

-It is important to eat five meals a day: breakfast, mid-morning, lunch, snack and dinner.

-You have to chew your food well and without rushing.

-No less important is that, at least, you should drink between 2 and 2.5 liters of water per day.

-Alcohol consumption and smoking must be eliminated or reduced to a minimum.

-Once or twice a week you should eat legumes.

-A day you have to eat two dairy products that are skimmed.

-At dinner time you should avoid heavy meals.

Healthy eating according to age

Frequent physical activity must be added to the adoption of a diet based on healthy eating to optimize condition. It must be taken into account, however, that both diet and the characteristics of physical activity must be associated with age and other factors.

For a newborn, for example, breastfeeding is the cornerstone of a healthy diet. As the person grows, they should incorporate vegetables , fruits , cereals , legumes and other foods. Doctors suggest, on the other hand, minimizing the consumption of salt, sugar and fats.