Definition of



The wedding ring is called an alliance.

Alliance is a term that comes from the verb aliar and, therefore, refers to the action carried out by two or more people, organizations or nations when signing a pact , an agreement or a convention , as the case may be.

Let's look at some examples of the term in context: “The trade alliance between Colombia and China resulted in the construction of four hotels, two in each country,” “The Argentine government proposed an alliance with the Chilean government to jointly export to the Asian market.”

A political alliance

The concept of political alliance is linked to the coalition between two or more like-minded political parties. In this case, the purpose of the different parties is to reinforce their electoral proposal and, in this way, expand the possibilities of reaching power.

Political alliances also occur within the Congress or the Senate to vote together on certain proposals. Generally, this type of agreement involves a consideration (the ruling party can give a ministerial portfolio to the one that supported it in the vote, or carry out a similar measure).

The concept in marriage

The alliance, on the other hand, is the kinship contracted through marriage . The concept is also used to name the wedding ring , which symbolizes the commitment between spouses and is usually worn on the ring finger.

In the case of a heterosexual marriage, it is customary for the groom to be in charge of buying the wedding rings.


An airline alliance arises from the agreement of several airlines.

air alliance

The agreement that two or more airlines sign with the purpose of collaborating is known as an airline alliance . Currently, there are three alliances that stand out worldwide: SkyTeam, Oneworld and Star Alliance. This type of joining forces can also occur between freight lines, as is the case with SkyTeam Cargo and WOW Cargo Alliance, among others.

One of the main characteristics of an airline alliance is that they generate more trust in their clients , given the greater robustness of their image compared to that of an independent company .

Among the greatest benefits of an airline alliance is the inevitable expansion and optimization of its networks , which is usually achieved through code-sharing agreements (they allow the joint exploitation of a particular route ); It is worth mentioning that this type of pact gave rise to the birth of many alliances. For passengers, this translates into a greater number of possible destinations through the same company, which is very convenient.

Continuing with the advantages of airline alliances, the reduction of expenses for participating companies should not be overlooked, given that they share: commercial posts; maintenance workshops; operating facilities, such as computer networks; the employees, both ground staff and salespeople; purchases and investments , as occurs during negotiations to lower ticket prices due to extra volume.

On the other hand, the creation of an airline alliance entails the supervision of antitrust authorities , which must ensure that the union complies with the requirements of current legislation before giving their approval. The so-called slots , a term from English that refers to landing strips , do not always belong to the airlines that use them, but can be property of the nation where their main headquarters reside, which can result in the loss of the flights. themselves when signing an agreement with a foreign airline.

A Peruvian club

Alianza Lima is a Peruvian soccer club that was founded in 1901 and is among the most important in the country, having become champion on numerous occasions.

Its classic rival is Universitario de Deportes , which it faced for the first time in 1928 .