Definition of



The action of teaching consists of instructing or educating.

Lecture is a verb that comes from lesson : a teaching. The action, therefore, refers to educating, instructing , training or training .

For example: “Don't worry, I'm going to instruct you so that you can perform successfully in your new position,” “With this measure, the government intends to instruct the opposition leaders,” “We must instruct visitors to take care of the facilities.” ” .

When lecturing, therefore, we seek to transmit knowledge , ideas or messages so that they are assimilated by the recipient. The concept is often associated with the lesson that is provided by force or through an example.

Examples of lecturing

Suppose that the parents of a teenager, tired of the young man not complying with the agreed upon return times and always arriving late for dinner, decide to stop preparing food for him when he is late. Thus, after a few nights of staying on an empty stomach, the boy understands that he will have to adapt to his family's rules if he intends to continue eating at home. This is a fairly common example of the way in which parents seek to teach their children.

Of course, on the other hand, there is violence and the forcible imposition of certain principles or customs. In a case like this, it matters little whether or not the teachings are beneficial for the individual, since the way in which they are internalized threatens the freedom and basic rights of the person, which is why they do not flourish as they should and usually lead to in negative behaviors.

The concept of lecturing is frequently associated with humiliation , although to different degrees. For example, when a soccer team performs significantly better than its opponent in a match, the media may latch on to this term to refer to the skill with which it achieved victory, as opposed to poor decisions or the lack of level of the other.

Intention to humiliate

On the other hand, we have cases in which the humiliation is real and very deep. This occurs, for example, when the residents of a neighborhood decide to educate criminals on their own , in the absence of a response from the police to the increasing number of robberies in the area.

Since this is not an act that simply seeks to provide justice but also to draw the attention of the authorities and demand that they react , it is common for criminals to be subjected to greater punishments than they would have received in a prison.


It can be taught from cinema and the media.

Educate from the media and entertainment industry

The action of teaching can also be massive through the media or the entertainment industry . A film financed by the authorities of a country can highlight the benefits of the army with the aim of improving the image of the armed forces. The plot of the film shows the soldiers as heroes and the military high command as honest and highly capable people. The purpose of the film in question is to instruct the viewer to awaken positive feelings towards the troops.

The example of military propaganda occurs very often in the United States , where the importance of the army is much greater than that it receives in other countries. Regardless of the genre or the plot, American stories always seem to find a space for soldiers, as well as for the FBI , and when the social situation of the country requires it, they do not hesitate to show them as superhuman beings, with unwavering determination and a sensitivity that makes it difficult to associate his personality with the news about machismo and homophobia.