Definition of



Happiness is an intense enjoyment.

Happiness is joy , satisfaction or enjoyment of great intensity . According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ), the term comes from the Hispanic Arabic alburúz , in turn derived from the classical Arabic burūz (used to refer to the detention that the military carried out before an expedition).

For example: “The arrival of the American player caused joy among the team's supporters,” “The children laughed with joy throughout the afternoon,” “The singer joyfully announced that next month she will begin a world tour.”

Examples of joy

Joy is usually caused by a pleasant surprise , good news or the realization of something expected . Take the case of the Argentine basketball team ( basketball ), when in 2004 it won the gold medal at the Athens Olympic Games . That was the first Olympic medal in history for the team and was achieved after eliminating the great favorite ( United States ) in the semifinals. That is why the success was celebrated with joy by all the players and also by Argentines in general.

Other situations that can lead a person to experience a true feeling of joy are from having been able to finish their studies to finding a job to marrying the person they love or having a child . And to those would also be added receiving a yes to the marriage proposal or having managed to win a significant sum of money by participating in a contest.


An extraordinary disorder can also be referred to as joy.

A disorder or mess

The RAE also refers to joy as a disorder or mess with extraordinary characteristics.

“Since the fall of the regime, the nation has lived in constant exultation that no one can control”, “The appearance of an armed man on stage caused excitement in the crowd”“The excitement in the office was very great when the boss announced that he was going to resign because he did not agree with the president of the company.” son expresiones que muestran este uso.

Other uses of the term joy

In Spain there is a very popular expression that uses the term we are addressing. We are referring to “What joy, what joy!” . It is usually used to clearly express the happiness felt due to some relevant event or a triumph achieved.

However, its curiosity is that it is known, above all, for being used in raffles at fairs and similar events. In them, years ago it was very common to hear the owners of those owners using the megaphone attract customers with the phrase: “What joy, what joy!, another pilot dog.” And this was a stuffed animal that was awarded to many people who decided to place their bet in the current raffle.

Likewise, we cannot ignore that there are works that use the word we are addressing in their titles. This would be the case, for example, of “Book of the first joy produced by wine about the finery of the Kingdom of Almería” . His authorship falls on The Mugrib of Ibn Said ad-Magribi .