Definition of


Uproar comes from disturb , a verb that refers to the action of disturbing, disturbing, bothering, stunning or altering . A riot, therefore, can be a disorder , a riot, or a revolt .

RiotFor example: "The entry of a young man with a banner caused a commotion at the conference" , "When the animal escaped from its cage, there was a big commotion in the zoo" , "The commotion was caused by the announcement of the manager, who announced that salaries would not be paid until next week .

The idea of ​​commotion is usually linked to shouting, noise or noise generated by a subject or a group of individuals: "I don't like this restaurant because there is always commotion" , "Could you put an end to the commotion, please?" "I'm trying to study," "I can't sleep with so much commotion: I hope the neighbors conclude their party soon."

Suppose that, in a bar, there is only one table occupied with two people talking. This conversation cannot be heard from a couple of meters away. An hour later, there are fifty people in the bar, all talking simultaneously. The sound of all the accumulated voices causes a commotion: each individual has to raise his voice to make his interlocutor hear him, at the same time adding more noise to the environment.

Within the cultural field, we find different works that have the term that concerns us now in their titles. We are referring, for example, to the children's story "Commotion on the Farm", which was published in 2008 and is the work of Stephen Cartwright.

Similarly, there is also the book “Uproar in the Guayabal”, which is written by Anglo-Indian author Kiran Desai. It tells the story of Sampath Chawla, a young man who is a bad student and who seems to have no goal in life, he is dedicated to watching time pass. However, one day he climbs a tree to reflect and get away from others, which allows him to learn about countless aspects of his neighbors' lives.

What will happen is that, suddenly, he will find himself on top of the guava tree, having become a kind of wise man to whom the people of the area come to consult their problems.

According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ), the concept of disturbance is also used in some countries with reference to rosettes of corn (known as popcorn, pochoclos or pororós depending on the region) that contain honey or sugar.

In the same way, we cannot ignore that Alboroto is the name of a musical group from Seville. He specializes in flamenco and what he does is perform flamenco or rumbera versions of well-known songs.

Faithful fans of video games and specifically Pokémon know that rampage is also what is called a sound movement that was introduced in the third generation. It does not generate any type of damage and is not used for combat but simply to wake up rivals.