Definition of



Isolation can imply that there is no physical contact between people.

The first thing we have to make clear is that isolation is a term that has its origins in Latin. Specifically, we can affirm that it is the result of the sum of three clearly defined components:

• The prefix “ad-“, which can be translated as “towards”.

• The noun “insula”, which is synonymous with “island”.

• The suffix “-ment”, which is equivalent to “action and effect”.

What is isolation

Isolation is the action and effect of isolating . This verb refers to leaving something alone and separated from other things; remove a person from communication and dealing with others; abstract the immediate reality from the mind or senses; or prevent the passage or transmission of heat, sound, etc.

For example: “The isolation of the area surrounding the nuclear power plant is essential to preserve the health of the neighbors,” “The detainee is in isolation due to his bad behavior,” “To write a novel, you have to achieve insulation from the outside and forget about everyday problems” , “We have to consult a specialist to recommend some type of insulation that prevents the advance of humidity inside the house” .

No physical contact

There are various applications of the concept of isolation. In a physical sense, isolation is placing someone or something out of contact with other people or factors .

A man who is locked alone in a cell that barely has ventilation to breathe, without windows and with an armored door that opens from the outside, is in a condition of maximum isolation: he cannot see another person or talk to anyone.


To minimize the sound that leaves or enters an environment, different acoustic insulation methods can be used.

Other types of insulation

The process that consists of covering an element of an electrical installation with some material that is not a conductor of electricity and that, therefore, prevents the passage of current to the outside is known as electrical insulation . Other types of insulation that usually appear in a house are thermal insulation (achieved with materials that prevent the passage of heat through conduction) and acoustic insulation (to reduce the sound level within a space).

Ensuring that anyone has a better quality of life in their home, because they enjoy a pleasant temperature and because they are not suffering from different noises from neighbors or those generated on the street, is what is achieved with these last two types of insulation. .

It is true that there are many materials that are used within the field of construction to achieve that aforementioned insulation. However, there is one, which has become especially successful in recent years, which has the advantage that it can be used for both cases. We are referring to the plasterboard.

This is made up of plasterboard, which is usually accompanied by glass wool or rock wool, and allows any house to be perfectly thermally and acoustically insulated without having to invest a large amount of money.

Absence of social participation

At a social level, isolation is often spoken of to refer to the situation of an individual who does not participate in the social, cultural, political or economic life of his or her community due to lacking resources, capabilities or rights: “We have to end the isolation of descendants of indigenous people and facilitate their entry into the world of work.”

This would lead us to talk about what is known as social isolation and occurs when a person, without wanting to, distances themselves from their environment. This action is carried out absolutely involuntarily and can be caused by an endless number of causes such as shyness , being a victim of bullying ...