Definition of


Isolationism United States

"America for Americans"

Isolationism is the political doctrine that is based on not interfering or participating in external issues . The term arose from the English word isolationism .

Isolationism means distancing oneself from foreign conflicts , without taking part in them. Thus the country in question isolates itself.

Isolationism in the United States

It is common for the notion of isolationism to be used to refer to the position attributed to the United States in numerous historical periods. American authorities, in this sense, usually refrain from intervening in international affairs unless they consider that they represent a threat to their nation.

The isolationism of the United States , in any case, began to be left behind with the international policy of President James Monroe (1817-1825), who announced that he would appeal to the armed forces of his country if Europe acted in American territory. Thus was born the so-called Monroe doctrine .

It should be noted that, beyond the proclaimed isolationism, the United States intervened abroad on numerous occasions. After the Second World War , for example, it acted in multiple ways to defend its interests and capitalism , confronting the Cuban socialist regime and supporting military dictatorships in South America , to mention a few cases.


It is important to talk about another doctrine that is very similar at first glance, and in fact is related: non-interventionism . It is situated in the field of foreign policy and obliges any State to avoid intervening in the internal problems of others, either directly or indirectly, with the purpose of altering its intentions and achieving subordination.

This concept originates from the principle of non-intervention , belonging to public international law, according to which nations are independent and have the right to make their own decisions regarding their forms of government , their structure and their cultural, social and development. economic.

George Washington y Thomas Jefferson son señalados como los impulsores del no intervencionismo, que hoy en día se conoce como aislacionismo. Estos presidentes estadounidenses de fines del siglo XVIII y comienzos del siglo XIX rechazaban las alliances militares y políticas y promulgaban la neutrality. Además, se mantuvieron al margen de las guerras de Europa para mantener el libre comercio.

The aforementioned James Monroe was the author of a doctrine of the same name that can be summarized in the phrase "America for Americans." He developed it in 1823 and maintained that the powers of the European continent should not take sides in American affairs. The contradiction of this stage of American history took place because this same doctrine that closed Europe's intervention in its territory led to the United States intervening in other Latin American countries.

Swiss isolationism

Switzerland is another country adhered to isolationism

The case of Switzerland

Switzerland , meanwhile, is another State that traditionally remains attached to isolationism. Its neutral stance at the international level is one of its distinctive characteristics. This has led it to become a place where prices are high and where certain measures are necessary so that the cost of living adapts to that of its neighboring countries.

By 2005, reports showed that isolationism had led Switzerland to face excessively high prices when importing products and raw materials, something that was aggravated by the lack of competitiveness it had in several key domestic sectors.

The cost of living in Switzerland was already a matter of debate at that time and in fact it is one of the first characteristics of the country mentioned . On the other hand, it is known that Swiss salaries are also high, and it is precisely this fact that foreign countries use as an excuse to charge more money for their deliveries to Switzerland.