Definition of



The idea of ​​effort can be associated with effort or vigor.

Endeavor is the effort , solvency or high-intensity vigor that is applied to a certain action . The concept comes from the verb ahincar : to hurry, to do something with determination and efficiency.

For example: “The governor-elect promised to work hard to satisfy the needs of the neighbors,” “I ask you to study the matter carefully so we can make the most favorable decision for our company,” “The award-winning writer warmly thanked everyone.” the jury.”

Before moving forward, it is important to analyze its etymological origin. In this case, we can say that it is a word that comes from Latin and is the result of the sum of two different parts:

  • The verbal prefix a- , which is associated with “approximate” .
  • The verb hincar , which is synonymous with “nail” or “fix.”

Example of effort

Endeavor is usually associated with the energy and strength with which a task is carried out or a request is made. When someone acts hard, they are making an effort to realize their purpose and fulfill their objective. Suppose a young man decides to study Speech at a prestigious institute that requires passing an entrance exam . The boy shows up and fails. However, he decides to study even harder and appear again: on this second opportunity, he manages to pass the exam and can begin his studies.

In this sense, for example, it can be established that a teacher gives his student a lower grade than expected because the results he has obtained in exams and assignments show that he does not put effort into improving . Their lack of courage and determination can be motivated by many causes, such as laziness, lack of motivation , personal problems, learning difficulties, low self-esteem...

For this reason, it is recommended that the student's parents and the teacher himself speak with the student to see what is causing his bad grades and lack of effort and thus be able to remedy the situation for his present and future at school.


Studying hard is essential to complete a degree.

Use in different areas

It is possible to find the notion in different areas. Those who negotiate hard, work hard to achieve a favorable agreement according to their interests. He who vigorously defends his position , for his part, does not hesitate to assert his position.

It is also possible to point out that something is not done with enough effort. A police chief can be questioned for not putting effort into the fight against crime. In this case, the lack of effort represents a significant shortcoming that affects the work of the police officer in question.

Ainco as a name

In addition to all of the above, we can emphasize that AHINCO is a non-profit organization based in the Cadiz town of Conil de la Frontera ( Spain ). Specifically, under those acronyms is the name Association for the Integration of People with Disabilities .

There are also different publications that have the word in question in their titles. This would be the case, for example, of the book “Ahínco” by the Huelva writer Eladio Orta .