Definition of


Agricultural jobs

Agriculture is called the cultivation or tillage of the land.

Establishing the etymological origin of the word agriculture takes us to Latin since that language is where the starting point of the birth of the aforementioned is found. Specifically, we can see that it comes from the word agriculture , which is made up of the sum of two parts: the term agri , which is synonymous with "crop field" and the concept culture, which can be translated as "cultivated or cultivated."

Agriculture is the tillage or cultivation of land and includes all work related to soil treatment and planting vegetables. Agricultural activities are usually aimed at the production of food and the obtaining of vegetables, fruits, vegetables and cereals .

Agriculture involves the transformation of the environment to satisfy human needs. This capacity is what differentiates human beings from the rest of living beings.

Origin of agriculture

The emergence of agriculture was a key step in the development of humanity. Historians affirm that, in the Neolithic period, man went from hunting, fishing and gathering to agricultural and livestock activities. Wheat and barley would have been the first cultivated plants.

It is believed that people began to develop agriculture due to certain climatic changes that made the temperature milder and the scarcity of hunting and gathering foods in certain regions.


Agriculture was key in the development of humanity.

Historical development

If at that time agriculture became a fundamental economic activity for the subsistence of the population, the same thing also happened in other historical stages such as, for example, Ancient Rome. And at that time they relied on the cultivation of legumes, cereals and vegetables. All this through the use mainly of the well-known Roman plow, which was pulled by oxen.

It is important to highlight that at this time different techniques and systems were born and developed that became fundamental in agriculture. This would be the case of various fertilizer methods, oil presses and the fallow system. This term means that a specific land is not cultivated for one or two vegetative cycles with the clear objective that then, when it is replanted, it will be in the best possible condition.

With agriculture, the availability of food grew and the number of population increased throughout the world. On the other hand, it meant that societies became sedentary and began to consider private ownership of real estate.

Types of agriculture

In addition to all of the above, it must be emphasized that there are many types of agriculture, among which the most notable are dryland agriculture, which is carried out without water because the land uses its groundwater and rainwater, and irrigated agriculture, in which the farmer does add water to the land .

Today, agricultural workers use technology and genetic engineering to improve soil and crop productivity. Science has even made seeds more resistant to pests and can adapt to different climates and soils.