Definition of



An aggressor is someone who attacks (attacks, seeks to harm).

The term aggressor comes from the Latin word aggressor . It is an adjective that refers to someone who carries out an attack : an attack, whether physical or symbolic. For example: “The aggressor has already been identified thanks to the security cameras” , “The police are on the trail of a sexual aggressor” , “The club regulations indicate that the aggressor of an athlete or an authority must be punished with expulsion.”

The aggressor is a subject who has a tendency towards hostility . For psychological or sociocultural reasons, a person can develop behaviors that are linked to aggression , causing harm to third parties. Suppose a man goes to a bank to request a loan. The bank employee, upon analyzing the individual's financial history and the documents he presents, is forced to reject the request. Faced with this decision, the man becomes angry and attacks the worker. In this case, the subject becomes an aggressor by not being able to handle the frustration he experiences when the credit he requested is rejected.

Aggressors in sports

It is common for attacks to arise in the field of sport . The emotional state that game actions provoke in athletes and spectators often leads to violent behavior .

A young man, driven crazy by the defeat of his favorite soccer team, may become an aggressor against rival players, throwing stones and bottles onto the playing field with the intention of hurting the opponents.


The aggressor shows a tendency towards hostility.

Intention to harm

When observing the definition of the term aggression , we note that it is an act that arises independently of the actions of those around the aggressor, or that at least does not usually appear in spontaneous response to a form of abuse . On the contrary, the most appropriate use of this word focuses on those displays of violence, physical or verbal, that directly aim to cause harm .

In the example of the subject who goes to a bank to ask for a loan, we can say that the people present at the scene did not expect the explosion of violence, since everything seemed to unfold normally until the employee rejected the request. In other words, given that in these procedures no entity guarantees its clients 100% acceptance, refusing to grant credit does not represent an attack and, therefore, does not merit an act of aggressiveness.

Returning to the situation in which the young man reacts aggressively to the victory of his opponents, once again we can point out that this does not represent any form of violence against him or against his favorite team: it is one of the normal possibilities of any sporting confrontation, and no one should be enraged by a defeat , especially if they have not directly participated in the competition.

sexual offender

A sexual aggressor , finally, is one who violates the sexual freedom of another individual through the use of physical violence or threats. Contrary to what many people believe, the sexual offender can be a man or a woman and, in the same way, attack men or women, adults or children. Their objective, however, is always the same: to dominate their victim in a sexual way.

In this context, there are two types of sexual assault that have certain similarities:

* sexual abuse , any sexual activity that is carried out without the consent of all parties, in which practices are carried out that involve the victims directly or indirectly (the aggressor touching them, penetrating them or forcing them to witness other people's sexual scenes);

* rape , an assault in which the victim has sexual relations without giving consent , either due to mental incapacity, having lost consciousness or being subjected to certain manipulation techniques by her attacker.