Definition of



In biochemistry, an agonist is a component that can increase the activity carried out by another substance.

Agonist is a concept used in the field of biochemistry to refer to the component that has the ability to increase the activity carried out by another substance .

Before moving forward with the meaning of the term that concerns us now, it is interesting that we know its etymological origin. We can state that it is a word of Greek origin since it derives from the word of that language agonistes , which can be translated as "fighter" .

More specifically we can determine that it is the sum of two Greek components:

  • The noun agon , which is synonymous with “combat” .
  • The suffix -ista , which can be translated as “trade” .

Characteristics of agonists

Agonists work by coupling to a cell-type receptor. In this way, they manage to generate a certain action in the cell . Antagonists , on the other hand, are compounds that cause the opposite: by binding to the receptor, they cause a blockage.

An example of an agonist is the alpha-1 agonist , which is classified as an adrenergic agonist since it generates an effect equal to or similar to that caused by adrenaline. In your case, the alpha-1 agonist manages to stimulate the activity of an enzyme called phospholipase C. This molecule (phospholipase C) causes the constriction of blood vessels and dilation of the pupils.

Classification according to type

Depending on the effect they cause, agonists can be classified as partial or complete . On the other hand, depending on the origin, agonists are artificial or natural .

We can also speak of irreversible agonists (their adhesion to the receptor is permanent and, therefore, produces its constant activation) and inverse agonists (an agonist that binds to the same receptor as another agonist, but drives an action that is opposite).

Agonistic muscles

An agonist muscle is one that develops a movement opposite to that performed by the antagonist muscle.

agonist muscles

In the field of anatomy , agonist muscles are those that perform a movement opposite to that developed by the antagonist muscle . In other words: if the agonist performs a contraction, the antagonist proceeds to relax.

Other important facts about agonist muscles are the following:

  • In order to carry out a movement they always begin by contracting. This significantly differentiates them from the antagonists, since what they do is stretch and lengthen.
  • It is interesting to know that in order for an agonist muscle to allow a part of the body to return to its initial position, it will have to “become” an antagonist.
  • When you proceed to bend your arm, what happens is that the biceps function as agonists while the triceps act as antagonists. On the contrary, when the arm is extended, the roles of these muscles are exchanged; That is, the biceps become antagonists and the triceps become agonists.

The term in literature

Within the scope of literature, the term agonist that we are addressing is also used.

Specifically, in this branch of art it is used to refer to the character who is totally antagonistic to another : therefore, he confronts him.