Definition of



Filtering flour can be referred to as surfacing.

Aflorar is a concept that appears in three meanings in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ). The first of them refers to sifting cereals or filtering the flour in order to obtain the grain (the best part).

Regarding a mass, a mantle or a mineral deposit , the RAE reports, the notion of surfacing refers to what happens when it emerges or emerges on the earth's surface .

most common meaning

The most common use of the concept , however, is linked to what happens when something that was hidden, in development or relegated, finally appears or appears .

For example: “My singing teacher asked me not to be shy and to let the full flow of my voice come out,” “Once this government leaves power, I am sure that evidence of the corruption” , “The nervousness after a new team defeat did not take long to emerge” .


The most common use of surfacing refers to bringing to light something that was hidden.

Examples of surface

Suppose that, in a certain city, car thefts were very frequent for many years. Until a government , through a series of measures linked to security policies, managed to reduce the rates related to this crime. Some time later, vehicle thefts increased again. Faced with this situation, political analysts begin to analyze why these crimes resurfaced in the town.

A journalist who investigates the economic movements of public officials, on the other hand, can surface a corruption plot that shows illicit enrichment. In this case, surfacing is associated with bringing to light, making something become public knowledge.

The term linked to feelings

In the same way, we have to explain that the use of the notion of surfacing feelings is very common. It is an expression that is used to refer to the fact that a person does not hide what they feel, but rather lets it flow. A clear example of its meaning is this phrase: “Despite Luis's apparent coldness, he let his feelings emerge when he learned of his friend's death.”

In this sense, although it may be a cliché, it is considered that more women have no problems letting their feelings emerge in situations such as listening to a song, watching a movie, admiring a painting or attending a theater performance.

There are people who, however, are not able to show what they feel. They cannot because they have not been educated that way or because they habitually put on a kind of “armor” to protect themselves. However, when you want to leave all that behind in order to bring out what you experience in your soul and heart, you can choose to take these measures:

  • It is essential to free oneself from prejudices and educational stereotypes.
  • You don't have to think, you simply have to feel.
  • You have to be clear that you are not weaker for allowing your feelings to emerge, you are simply more human.
  • It is important to be clear that hiding what you feel cannot prevent you from being hurt by other people. That is a risk that is always taken.