Definition of



The adductors are muscles that develop an adduction movement.

Adductor is a term that comes from the Latin word adductor . According to the first meaning of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ), it is an adjective that qualifies that which can make an adduction .

Adduction, in turn, is a word that has its etymological origin in the Latin adductio , which can be translated as "present evidence" or the "action that is carried out to lead." In the same way, we can emphasize that this word is the result of the sum of three very well differentiated parts:

  • The prefix ad- , which means “towards” .
  • The verb ducere , which is synonymous with “guide” or “drive.”
  • The suffix -cion , which is used to indicate what the action and the effect are.

What are adductors?

The idea of ​​adduction refers to the movement that involves bringing a limb or other part of the body towards the imaginary line that divides the body into two symmetrical halves. By extension, those muscles whose most important function is the development of adduction movement are called adductors .

In the thigh, it is possible to find the adductor magnus muscle that is responsible for flexion , rotation and adduction of the femur and stabilization of the spine and pelvis. The adductor medianus muscle , also located in the thigh, contributes to the development of flexion and rotation movements.

The little fingers and thumb have their own adductor muscles . Both allow adduction of the finger with respect to the axis of body symmetry.


Injury to the adductors is common in soccer players.

The strengthening

Exercises to strengthen the adductors are very popular. There are even machines that help the person to specifically work these muscles to promote their development.

When an individual manages to strengthen their adductors, they achieve greater efficiency when running, cycling, swimming and performing other physical activities that require lateral movements, such as playing tennis .

A typical exercise to strengthen the adductors consists of lying on your side, supporting yourself on one elbow and hip, bending one knee and straightening the other leg , which should be raised and lowered.

Inflammation of the adductor muscles

Those who exercise regularly or athletes often suffer from what is known as inflammation of the adductor muscles . This manifests itself through symptoms such as pain in the pubic bone or in the area around the groin.

Applying heat to the affected area and remaining at rest are two of the main measures that are recommended to be carried out in order to treat the aforementioned situation. However, the most important thing is to prevent it and that involves carrying out a series of exercises before practicing sports; that is, undertake the warm-up .

Sometimes, instead of inflammation, the athlete in question suffers a torn adductor, which is a very common ailment in the field of football . To treat it, you will need to rest, apply cold to the area, apply a bandage, and keep your leg elevated.