Definition of



A cobblestone is a stone that is given a rectangular shape.

A cobblestone is a stone that is given a rectangular shape so that it can be used in the development of paving . That is why cobblestones are often used in street paving.

The term came to our language from the Hispanic Arabic addukkín or addukkán , in turn derived from the classical Arabic dukkān.

Granite is usually chosen for the creation of pavers. These stones are easy to carve and are also very resistant. It is common to create pavers of reduced size, so that it is possible to manipulate them with one hand.

Origin of cobblestone

The first paving, in ancient times, was developed with natural stones, lacking carving. With the aim of facilitating movement, the Romans began to carve stones and thus, more than two thousand years ago, cobblestones emerged.

For a long time , most of the roads in cities were covered with cobblestones. As automobiles became more widespread, cobblestone paving began to give way to asphalt paving , which was more favorable for vehicle circulation.


Cobblestones were often used to pave streets.

Its current use

Until the 19th century we can determine that it was used massively in large cities, until military and social needs caused it to begin to fall into disuse. However, that does not prevent that, today, there are many streets that have maintained their cobblestone floor and that, thanks to it, have undeniable value.

Thus, for example, the surroundings of the Mosque of Córdoba are made with cobblestones and the same thing also happens with some of the most emblematic areas of the historic center of Seville.

The cobblestone as sweet

By analogy with these rectangular stones, large sweets that are popular in Spain are called cobblestones. The adoquín del Pilar , for example, is a traditional candy from Zaragoza that can weigh up to half a kilogram and whose wrapper displays the figure of the Virgin of Pilar .

A small children's candy in the shape of the aforementioned construction element is also called cobblestone, which can be found mainly with a licorice flavor and in two colors: black or red.

Its importance in cycling

It is important to know that within the field of cycling there is a relevant cobblestone race known as Paris-Roubaix .

It is one of the most significant in this regard and precisely the athletes who participate do so with the aim of being able to win the Golden Cobblestone , which is the most important prize.

Cobblestone in colloquial language

In the colloquial language of various regions , finally, the illiterate , rude or clumsy subject is called cobblestone .

“Don't waste time explaining the equations to José: it's a cobblestone” is an expression that shows this use.eee