Definition of

Personnel administration


Personnel administration refers to how the relationships between a company and its workers are managed.

The concept of administration derives from administratĭo , a Latin word. The notion refers to the process and result of managing (managing, treating, ordering or organizing).

Personal , for its part, is a term with several uses. On this occasion we are interested in staying with its meaning as the set of individuals who work in the same corporation.

What is personnel administration

The idea of ​​personnel administration , in this framework, refers to the direction of relations between a company and its workers . This administration involves the management of the entity's human resources .

Personnel administration, in this way, refers to the actions that are carried out to organize workers in the structure of the company and to ensure that they can perform fully according to their capabilities. The objective is to make the most of the workforce for the benefit of the company and taking into account the needs and interests of the workers.

Main features

What is understood as personnel administration can include everything from an office to different principles or precepts , including processes and actions . From the personnel administration area, workers' vacations can be assigned, sector changes in the internal organization can be decided, awards granted and sanctions applied, to name a few possibilities.

Personnel administration varies according to the time and is linked to the laws of each country. No decision of a company can violate the legislation: personnel administration, therefore, is subject to a regulatory framework that transcends companies.


Personnel management begins with the selection of employees.

Changes in personnel administration

Currently, for example, personnel are not considered a resource, as was the case in the not-too-distant past, but rather they represent the human talent of a company.

For this reason, when human resources managers carry out their personnel management tasks, they devise different strategies to take advantage of said talent, to put the capabilities of each employee into operation where they can offer the best results, making the least monetary investment possible .

Selection, the first step

It all starts with personnel selection , a much more complex concept than the mere action of deciding who to hire. First of all, those who occupy senior positions in a company must maintain a close relationship with their workers, because they are the ones who best know the needs at the production level: in a large plant, where there is a division into groups headed by leaders. Human resources managers should talk to them periodically to find out if changes to the structure are necessary.

Precisely, one of the key points of personnel administration is the well-being of employees , and for this other issues are necessary, such as stability and incentives. To achieve stability, the selection process must be successful: hire the right people, at a time when they can truly offer a beneficial contribution to the corporation, and then make them feel comfortable in their work and perform well. maximum in your daily tasks .

To achieve these objectives, constant staff training is essential. All professionals should seek new goals throughout their careers, incentives that lead them to grow and develop new skills.

Just as independent workers must carry out tireless research on their own to avoid stagnating, in the context of a company it is the job of employers to provide their workers with all possible opportunities to learn new techniques and expand their horizons . Training courses are also an opportunity for the most experienced to assume the role of teacher, so that everyone benefits .