Definition of



A dressing is a condiment.

A dressing is an ingredient that is used to flavor a gastronomic preparation. Also called condiments , dressings act as a complement to the food .

It should be noted that the first meaning of dressing that the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) mentions in its dictionary refers to the act and result of dressing . This verb, for its part, is linked to seasoning, dressing up or decorating something .

Examples of dressings

Vinegar , oil , pepper , sugar and salt are some of the most common seasonings. In fact, almost all recipes contain some of these seasonings that allow the dishes to be seasoned. An onion and tomato salad, for example, can include salt, pepper, and olive oil as dressings.

Mayonnaise or mayonnaise sauce , mustard and ketchup are other very popular dressings, which are used to accompany hamburgers, sausages and different types of sandwiches.


Oil is one of the most popular dressings for seasoning salads.

A question of tradition and taste

Depending on the gastronomy of each country, the seasonings used to season are usually different on numerous occasions. So, for example, if we eat a salad in Spain , it is usually seasoned with salt, vinegar and olive oil. However, if we go to the United Kingdom what is going to happen is that we take it with salt and pepper .

One of the peculiarities of the dressings is that the diner adds them to his liking, according to the amount he wants. Suppose two people order to eat hamburgers. Upon receiving their order, they are given different packets of dressings so that each one can use them as they wish. One of the subjects uses an entire packet of ketchup on his burger; the other adds just half a packet of mustard.

Dressing as an accessory

Beyond a condiment, a dressing can be a set of jewelry , the implements used to dominate horses or the garnish of certain knives, according to the RAE dictionary .

Starting from this meaning as an accessory complement , we can highlight different types of dressings. Thus, for example, there are those that a sword can carry, such as the hilt .

On the other hand, we find the dressings that are usually found on horses both to make them look more beautiful and to proceed to ride or tame them. In this specific case we are referring to the harness , the bit , the saddle , the blanket ...

Of course, we must not overlook that different outfits require their own dressings or accessories . Thus, in Valencia , women who dress as falleras must, among other items, have mantillas, tights, necklaces, bracelets and combs .

In the same way, if we think about the women who come dressed in flamenco at the April Fair , for example, certain dressings are also necessary. Specifically, they should wear combs, shawls, bracelets, earrings ... A long list of accessories exist in this sense, although, like fashion in general, each year one trend or another in this regard is imposed.