Definition of



Adaptation means adjusting or accommodating something.

As with many Spanish words, the term adaptation comes from Latin. Within the aforementioned language, its origin lies in the word adapte , which is a verb composed of two parts. Thus, firstly there is the prefix ad , which means "towards", and secondly we find the verb aptare which would be translated as "adjust" or "equip".

Starting from this explanation, it must be emphasized that, for this reason, in the past the term adapt was defined as adjusting one thing to another. A meaning that is similar to the current one.

Adaptation concept

Adaptation is a concept that is understood as the action and effect of adapting or adapting , a verb that refers to the accommodation or adjustment of something with respect to something else .

The notion, as can be seen from practice, has different meanings depending on the area where it is applied: for example, adaptation is making an object or mechanism fulfill different functions than those for which it was built.

The term in literature and cinema

On the other hand, the adaptation of an artistic or scientific work occurs when it is disseminated among an audience other than that for which it was intended or through a form different from the original.

Thus, it must be emphasized that in the field of literature and cinema the term adaptation is used. In this specific case we speak of adaptation when a literary work is subjected to a series of modifications and arrangements, a transformation, in order to be able to take it to the big screen or even to the theater stage. An example of this could be the book "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown, which was adapted to develop his film that kept the title and starred Tom Hanks.


Camouflage is an evolutionary adaptation mechanism.

The adaptation of a person

When talking about the adaptation of a living being, on the other hand, mention is made of the fact that an organism has been able to adapt to the conditions of its environment . Said of a person, adaptation occurs when the individual becomes accustomed to multiple circumstances and conditions.

An example to better understand this could be the following: "Alma had to change cities for work reasons, however, the adaptation process she developed was magnificent and she immediately managed to feel comfortable and happy in her new residence."

natural selection

Biological adaptation , likewise, constitutes a physiological process that affects an organism that, during a certain period, has shown a notable evolution through natural selection . In this way, their long-term expectations for successful reproduction are notably high.

Natural selection, originally established by the great Charles Darwin, we can say that it is a vital process within evolutionary change. And it is defined because under its name what it expresses is that in a specific environment only the species that best manage to adapt to the circumstances that surround them are the ones that manage to survive and continue evolving. Meanwhile, those that do not succeed are disappearing.

It should also be noted that this word can sometimes be used as a synonym for the idea nucleated in the phrase "natural selection", even though a large number of biologists do not agree with this association.

Evolutionary and curricular adaptation

Camouflage , for example, is an evolutionary adaptation by an organism that takes on an appearance similar to the environment that surrounds it, with the intention of going unnoticed by potential predators.

In pedagogy , curricular adaptation is recognized as an educational strategy that is generally aimed at students with special pedagogical needs. It is based on the adaptation of the program to a specific educational level with the intention of making certain content easier to assimilate.