Definition of



An agreement is reached by finding a position accepted by the parties.

An agreement is an arrangement between two or more parties or a premeditated resolution by one or more people. For example: «The directors have reached an agreement and Mahmoud Gleuk will play for the Spanish team starting next season» , «There was no agreement between the National Government and the creditors» , «Poland will sign an agreement with Russia for the export of agrochemicals» .

An agreement can be said to be the result of negotiation or debate . The parties involved present their arguments during the talks and look for a common position; when they find it, they reach an agreement. Typically, in the process of seeking an agreement, each party gives in to the pursuit of common interests.

Frequent agreements

Agreements can be developed in any field. Two countries can reach agreements through their respective governments , whether on economic, social or other matters. An example of an agreement between a country X and a country Z could involve X reducing taxes on the import of electronic products from Z , while Z agrees to buy a certain amount of raw materials from X.

Political parties (to present joint projects ), sports clubs (to agree on player transfers) and private companies (to launch joint campaigns or products) are other entities that often negotiate agreements.

The resolution taken by collegiate bodies, societies or courts, the meaning or knowledge of something and the memory of things are other meanings of agreement recognized by the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) .


The agreement is usually the result of a debate or negotiation.

The importance of understanding

The expression "to agree" is used to indicate that one person understands and shares the opinion of another, or that one person understands and accepts a decision or a measure, or that two or more people understand each other mutually.

Given the difficult situation the world is currently going through, with so many suicides of children who are rejected by their peers, with adults who sexually and psychologically abuse minors, with the various types of discrimination that generate indelible wounds in so many individuals, and with a majority that enjoys seeing animals in cages while the minority opposes speciesism, it is evident that human beings do not tend to agree with each other very often.

The Schengen Agreement, a historic agreement

In 1985, the Schengen Agreement was signed in the eponymous city of Luxembourg, by which several European countries abolished border controls between them, making them exclusive for entry from any of the remaining countries. This agreement came into force in 1995, a decade later, and established the Schengen area , referring to the region comprised by all participating nations , within which their residents and those people who have entered any of them through the external border can move freely.

The following twenty-six countries, which signed the agreement, participate in the Schengen area: Austria, Denmark, Slovenia, Estonia, France, the Netherlands, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, Slovakia, Spain, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal and Sweden. It is worth mentioning that Switzerland voted in a referendum in favour of restricting the entry of any European citizen into its territory on 9 February 2014, which probably indicates its eventual withdrawal from the Schengen area.

Confidentiality Agreement

Finally, the term confidentiality contract or agreement refers to the information that must be signed before sharing information that you wish to keep within the context of a company.

Among its conditions is the commitment not to publish any relevant data, such as proper names, launch dates, prices or advertising strategies, among many other possibilities that vary depending on the company 's activity.