Definition of



What is urgent requires urgent actions.

Acuciante is an adjective that derives from the verb acuciar : to incite , worry or pressure someone to do something . That which is pressing, therefore, forces a decision to be made or some action to be carried out in an imperative, inexcusable , peremptory or imminent manner.

For example: "This town has pressing needs that the government must address" , "The pressing economic difficulties threaten to bankrupt the company" , "The need for medicines and medicinal products in the region became urgent after the outbreak of war."

Concept of pressing

Let's look at each case. The "pressing needs" of a town mean that people cannot lead a dignified life or are even at risk of death . Lack of housing, lack of basic services and difficulties in accessing food can be classified as "pressing needs" .

“Economic difficulties” can also become acute when a company does not have the resources to operate and generate profits . That company that has more expenses than income for a prolonged period may close its doors, leaving workers without jobs. That is why economic problems are pressing: they must be resolved urgently.

Similarly, a region that is at war requires elements that allow people to be cured and treated. These elements must arrive urgently to minimize the loss of life.


Poverty is a pressing problem in many countries.

The notion in health

In the same way, it is also very common for this adjective in question to be used within the field of health. Specifically, it is used when someone has a very serious illness that has just been diagnosed by the doctor and requires urgent treatment in order to avoid further damage.

The same thing happens when someone enters the emergency department of a hospital with a critical condition . In that case, it is essential that doctors attend to you urgently to ensure that your condition does not worsen and even that your life is not in serious danger .

pressing problems

When talking about Third World countries, for example, it is determined that in many of them the most pressing problem that would require the action of world organizations and governments is hunger . This would be the case, for example, of Bama , a town in Nigeria , where it is established that around 15% of children suffer from malnutrition.

When the pressing issue is not attended to or resolved, the consequences are usually very serious . This leads to what is considered pressing usually attracting the attention of those who can act to improve the state of things.

The term in "World of Warcraft"

Players of the famous video game "World of Warcraft" have a phase of the game that responds to the name "The Pressing Void."

It refers to a moment that takes the Shadowmoon Cemetery as its setting, which means that his character is alone and in absolute blackness. Hence, anything can happen, so you have to be really attentive to get out of a situation that is very dangerous.