Definition of



Harassment involves the existence of conduct that causes discomfort or discomfort in another person.

When a person harasses , persecutes or bothers another, they are engaging in some type of harassment . The verb to harass refers to an action or behavior that involves generating discomfort or disagreement in another.

For example: "I will not tolerate harassment: I will present my resignation tomorrow," "The singer left through the back door to avoid harassment from journalists," "Harassment from neighbors is very annoying to me."

sexual harassment

Harassment can occur in different areas and in the most diverse ways. If it is carried out by an individual who intends to abuse his or her power or hierarchical position to become sexually intimate with another person, it is called sexual harassment .

In this case, the harasser seeks to intimidate or pressure the harassed so that he or she agrees to maintain some type of intimate relationship . Harassment can be carried out through obscene comments, advances, or physical contact.

Starting from this type of sexual harassment, we have to say that there is a film that addresses it in a clear and forceful way. This is the American feature film "Harassment", released in 1994 under the direction of Barry Levinson, starring Demi Moore and Michael Douglas.

The story it tells is that of a large company worker who is accused by an executive of sexual harassment. This is his boss and what he will try to prove at all times is that she was the one who proceeded to commit this crime against him.


Harassment can occur in the workplace.

The problem of bullying

Bullying , on the other hand, takes place in an educational institution and involves mistreatment of a student. This harassment, which is also known by the English concept of bullying , can include physical violence, teasing, humiliation and any other component that affects the emotional state and integrity of the student.

Regarding this type of harassment, it should be noted that there are various publications and even films. In this case, we can highlight, for example, the feature film "Harassment in the classrooms." In 2005, this American film was released, brought to the big screen by filmmaker Marta Coolidge.

Sammi Hanratty and Austin Thomas are some of the actors who are part of the cast of said production that tells how Chrissa, an eleven-year-old girl, moves to another city with her entire family. This means that she will have to change schools and she will end up in one where she will continually receive ridicule, criticism and constant bullying from three classmates. A situation that will become a real nightmare for the girl until she decides to face it.

Virtual harassment and other modalities

If the bullying takes place remotely, through the Internet or mobile phone, it is called cyberbullying . Cyberbullying typically occurs in conjunction with other forms of bullying that involve direct contact. A child, for example, may be harassed in the schoolyard and, upon arriving home, receive a threatening email. Something similar can happen with the secretary who endures her boss's sexual jokes in the office and on the phone.

Within the category of psychological harassment are all the modalities exposed. And along with them, we must also talk about family harassment, real estate harassment and even workplace harassment.