Definition of



Lemon contains citric acid.

An acid is a substance that, in solution, increases the concentration of hydrogen ions . In combination with bases, an acid allows salts to be formed.

On the other hand, the notion of acid (which comes from the Latin acĭdus ) refers to that with a taste of agraz or vinegar .

Some examples

There is a large amount of acids. Acetic acid , for example, is a colorless liquid with a pungent odor, which is produced through the oxidation of ethyl alcohol and is used in the synthesis of chemicals.

Nor can we ignore the existence of sulfuric acid , which is that which is obtained from sulfur dioxide. The formula of this chemical compound is H2SO4 and it is estimated that it is one of the most created elements of this type in the world since it is used very frequently in the industrial field, and especially in the production of fertilizers.

Its corrosive capacity is one of the main hallmarks of this acid, which is also identified by the fact that it acts very violently in contact with water, so much so that it is always recommended to take extreme care when using it. work and operate with it to avoid burns, among other factors.

Acrylic, boric, citric and deoxyribonucleic acid

Acrylic acid is soluble in water, forms polymers easily and is applied in the production of plastic materials and paints. Benzoic acid , on the other hand, is a solid that is used in pharmacies. Another solid acid is boric , with antiseptic and industrial uses.

There are acids that are gases, such as hydrochloric acid, made up of chlorine and hydrogen. It is a corrosive substance, which is obtained from common salt and is usually used dissolved in water.

Citric acid , on the other hand, is that which is contained in various fruits , such as lemon. It has a sour taste and is very soluble in water.

Deoxyribonucleic acid is what makes up the genetic material of cells and presents, in its sequence, the information for protein synthesis.

deoxyribonucleic acid

The genetic material is made up of deoxyribonucleic acid.

Importance in health

Also within the field of health we have to highlight the existence of other fundamental acids. This would be the case, for example, of the so-called uric acid , which is an organic compound that arises from the sum of hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon and oxygen. More specifically, we can establish that it is a waste residue from the body of every human being that is found in the urine and that depending on the levels that exist, a man can suffer from gout or kidney stones.

And all this without forgetting what is known as folic acid, which we know as vitamin B9. It is essential that every man or woman has the necessary levels of it, otherwise they may suffer from depression or heart disease, among other pathologies.

Disinfection ( carbolic acid , salicylic acid ), glass etching ( hydrofluoric acid ) and dry cleaning ( tartaric acid ) are other applications given to the different existing acids.