Definition of



Regurgitation of gastric acid causes heartburn.

Acidity is the quality of being sour , that which tastes like sour grapes or vinegar . When there is an excess of acid in the stomach, the person suffers from heartburn, a discomfort that affects various aspects of life.

Regurgitation of gastric acid causes what is known as heartburn or pyrosis , which is a burning sensation in the esophagus. Some of the foods and drinks that can cause heartburn are red wine, chocolate, caffeinated drinks, mint, coffee and spicy ingredients. Other triggers of this discomfort, which is also known as "heartburn", are excessive meals, excess weight , nicotine and pregnancy. When this disorder occurs too often, it is advisable to seek professional help.

Heartburn Treatment

However, as with most ailments, there is a long list of home remedies and tips to prevent this state of heartburn. The first failure that occurs when suffering from this disorder is that the lower esophageal sphincter , responsible for containing stomach acids, gives way. Certain foods are very effective in preventing this important component of the digestive system from relaxing and allowing the stomach contents to pass up the esophagus; among them are:

  • Oats : Many doctors recommend them especially to patients who suffer from heartburn, since they can be eaten at any time of the day and are affordable and nutritious ;
  • Bananas : Although their pH level (5.6) makes them ideal for treating this type of gastric discomfort, some people do not seem to get good results from eating them;
  • Melon : Like bananas, this fruit seems to generate mixed opinions, although most people who consume it to relieve or prevent heartburn are satisfied with its action;
  • Fennel : a vegetable that is not very popular, but in this case it is very effective, and it also helps with the digestion process. It is worth mentioning that it is a perfect accompaniment to a salad;
  • Parsley : needs no introduction, as it is one of the most well-known and used condiments in cooking, as it is extremely cheap and tasty, improves digestion and prevents discomforts such as heartburn;
  • Brown rice : Unlike white rice, it is very practical for cold dishes such as salads and is easier to store. In this case, it proves to be an excellent food for those who suffer from heartburn.

On the other hand, to calm acidity, it is advisable to prepare an infusion with boiled water and two tablespoons of anise , and let it settle for ten minutes before drinking it. Other homemade recipes include ingredients such as lettuce, cloves and cinnamon.


Lemon is characterized by its acidity.

Other meanings of the term

Acidity also refers to the amount of free acid found in resins, oils and wines , which is determined by titration with a basic reagent. The result is expressed as a percentage (%). On the other hand, acidity is the abundance of hydrogen ions in an aqueous solution (compared to the ions present in pure water).

Basicity is the concept that complements acidity. pH is the scale that allows, in aqueous solutions, to quantify the acidity or basicity. Outside of this type of solutions, it is possible to compare the acidity in different elements, such as carbon dioxide, sulfur trioxide and dinitrogen gases.

There are two types of acidity: natural acidity is produced by the natural composition of the substance; developed acidity is obtained from microbiological, thermal or enzymatic processes that generate acidification of the component.