Definition of


Girl reading by the river

A person absorbed in reading may ignore what is happening around them.

The Latin word absorptus came into our language as absorbed . This adjective is used to describe someone who is stupefied, absorbed or very concentrated .

Some examples

Here are three example sentences to see the term in context: “My teenage son is so absorbed in his phone that he doesn't pay attention to me when I talk to him,” “Absorbed in his thoughts , the man didn't even notice the tragedy that unfolded.” next to him” , “If you are absorbed in work, you will not be able to solve your family problems, so I suggest you find a balance” .

The first example speaks of the typical relationship that we establish with mobile devices today: the possibilities they offer us through the Internet connection are almost infinite, and this makes it difficult for us to leave them to look around us again , talk to the people of flesh and blood. The adjective absorbed is not inherently positive or negative, but in this case its connotation is unfavorable for the physical and psychological development of the boy.

The second sentence tells us about a man who was too absorbed in his own mind to notice that a tragedy was taking place next to him. The power of our brain is undoubtedly considerable, since scientists themselves affirm that we take advantage of only a very small portion of its potential throughout our entire life. The fact that it allows us to travel to other worlds or explore our past while blocking our own reality is as fascinating as it is worrying.

Finally, the third example shows us a conversation in which the sender recommends that his interlocutor change his attitude towards work and family , since his relationship with the first absorbs him to such an extent that it prevents him from dealing with the second. in a healthy way. This is quite common in people who live their profession with genuine passion, because it is their vocation, but also in those who do not know how to say no or put a stop to work demands and allow them to consume them, both inside and outside the office. .

Meditative or abstracted

Suppose a young man sits down to read a mystery novel in a park . Absorbed in the plot of the book , the boy does not realize what is happening around him. In this way, he does not look at those who walk nearby or listen to anyone. This can be a double-edged sword: on the one hand, it is beneficial for reading, since with this level of concentration you do not allow anything to distract you, but it can also be negative for your safety if a dangerous situation arises and you completely ignore it. .

Someone absorbed, in short, is meditative or abstracted . What captures his interest worries him, subjugates him or dazzles him, with which he loses contact with the outside world.

Thoughtful child

In addition to external stimuli, we can be absorbed in our thoughts.

A child absorbed in an animated movie , for example, will surely not respond when spoken to. This is because all your attention is on the screen, a peculiarity that makes you, in a certain way, disconnect from everything else. It is the responsibility of adults to guide children so that they approach entertainment in a healthy way, enjoying themselves while being enriched, but not escaping from the world and missing out on unrepeatable moments in life.

In a group sense

Sometimes the concept of absorbed is used with reference to a group of people, an entity or something abstract: “A country absorbed in its past is not in a position to progress,” “I notice a government absorbed in the economy when there are many others.” issues to address” , “A society absorbed in the virtual cannot generate real changes” .